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Comment: Add section on idempotence


In order to upgrade from the ZK-based ID block generation, we will need to ensure that the ID blocks generated by the quorum controller do not overlap with those previously generated by ZK. This can be done by reading the latest producer ID block from ZK and generating an equivalent record in the metadata log. This will need to be incorporated into the overall KRaft upgrade plan once that is available.

Rejected Alternatives

Uncoordinated ID generation

One alternative would be to attempt to pre-allocate IDs in an uncoordinated manner using the broker ID. A scheme like this could probably be made to work, but might be hard to reconcile with previously ZK-generated ID ranges. It also means that some care would need to be taken to account for brokers that might be added in the future. This would also require that the brokers use some durable storage for their own ID ranges. Using the controller is not much more complicated than an uncoordinated approach (possibly its even simpler), and using the controller makes it easier to ensure correctness.

Idempotent RPC 

Another design consideration was whether or not the AllocateProducerIdsRequest should be idempotent. If we supported this, the broker would need additional local state and the controller would need additional in-memory state and logic. This approach could help guard against bugs where a broker rapidly requests ID blocks, but it also opens up a new class of bugs where the same producer IDs are returned more than once (possibly to different brokers). Since the ID space is quite large, and this RPC will be rate limited, we can forego this additional logic and the complexity that comes with it.