Versions Compared


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Manage input and output of ExecutionVertex

Manage InputSplit


然后就要想办法,让预测执行的execution所处理的inputSplit跟原execution要一样,这样才能保证包含source operator的region能支持预测执行。


Manage middle ResultPartition 

Manage sink files


这里要画一张图。把failover的情况加进去,然后I think that speculative execution means that two executions in a ExecutionVertex running at a same time, and failover means that two executions running at two different time. Based on this, I think this feature(speculative execution) is theoretically achievable. So, I have implemented a speculative execution for batch job based on Blink, and it had a significant effect in our product cluster.

Manage sink files

这个就是对于batch的sink file,到每个文件后面加全局唯一的后缀,然后最后在作业全部结束的时候,在主节点对于各种情况,去rename或者delete.


We can use six metrics to measure and evaluate the efficiency of speculative execution that can be summarized in the job status and Web page.

// SpeculationRatio is defined as the proportion of speculative tasks in the total tasks of a Job, and SuccessfulSpeculationRatio is the percent of speculative task which finish before the original long tail ones in the total launched speculative tasks. 

// 必须要多少execution完成了,才开始预测执行的metrics
private AtomicInteger minFinishedForSpeculationThresholdMetrics;

// 已经完成的execution数的metrics
private AtomicInteger finishedExecutionCountMetrics;

// 有多少execution发生了预测执行的metrics
private Counter speculativeExecutionCountMetrics;

// execution运行时间维度,发生预测执行的阈值
private AtomicDouble speculativeThresholdOfTime;

// 每个ExecutionVertex中原execution的运行时间的metrics
private Map<String, AtomicDouble> executionIndex2RunningTimespan;

