Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Code Block
  "apiKey": 4,
  "type": "request",
  "listeners": ["zkBroker"],
  "name": "LeaderAndIsrRequest",
  // Version 1 adds IsNew.
  // Version 2 adds broker epoch and reorganizes the partitions by topic.
  // Version 3 adds AddingReplicas and RemovingReplicas.
  // Version 4 is the first flexible version.
  // Version 5 adds Topic ID and Type to the TopicStates, as described in KIP-516.
  // Version 6 adds IsLeaderRecovering as describe in KIP-704.
  "validVersions": "0-6",
  "flexibleVersions": "4+",
  "fields": [
    { "name": "ControllerId", "type": "int32", "versions": "0+", "entityType": "brokerId",
      "about": "The current controller ID." },
    { "name": "ControllerEpoch", "type": "int32", "versions": "0+",
      "about": "The current controller epoch." },
    { "name": "BrokerEpoch", "type": "int64", "versions": "2+", "ignorable": true, "default": "-1",
      "about": "The current broker epoch." },
    { "name": "Type", "type": "int8", "versions": "5+",
      "about": "The type that indicates whether all topics are included in the request"},
    { "name": "UngroupedPartitionStates", "type": "[]LeaderAndIsrPartitionState", "versions": "0-1",
      "about": "The state of each partition, in a v0 or v1 message." },
    // In v0 or v1 requests, each partition is listed alongside its topic name.
    // In v2+ requests, partitions are organized by topic, so that each topic name
    // only needs to be listed once.
    { "name": "TopicStates", "type": "[]LeaderAndIsrTopicState", "versions": "2+",
      "about": "Each topic.", "fields": [
      { "name": "TopicName", "type": "string", "versions": "2+", "entityType": "topicName",
        "about": "The topic name." },
      { "name": "TopicId", "type": "uuid", "versions": "5+", "ignorable": true,
        "about": "The unique topic ID." },
      { "name": "PartitionStates", "type": "[]LeaderAndIsrPartitionState", "versions": "2+",
        "about": "The state of each partition" }
    { "name": "LiveLeaders", "type": "[]LeaderAndIsrLiveLeader", "versions": "0+",
      "about": "The current live leaders.", "fields": [
      { "name": "BrokerId", "type": "int32", "versions": "0+", "entityType": "brokerId",
        "about": "The leader's broker ID." },
      { "name": "HostName", "type": "string", "versions": "0+",
        "about": "The leader's hostname." },
      { "name": "Port", "type": "int32", "versions": "0+",
        "about": "The leader's port." }
  "commonStructs": [
    { "name": "LeaderAndIsrPartitionState", "versions": "0+", "fields": [
      { "name": "TopicName", "type": "string", "versions": "0-1", "entityType": "topicName", "ignorable": true,
        "about": "The topic name.  This is only present in v0 or v1." },
      { "name": "PartitionIndex", "type": "int32", "versions": "0+",
        "about": "The partition index." },
      { "name": "ControllerEpoch", "type": "int32", "versions": "0+",
        "about": "The controller epoch." },
      { "name": "Leader", "type": "int32", "versions": "0+", "entityType": "brokerId",
        "about": "The broker ID of the leader." },
      { "name": "LeaderEpoch", "type": "int32", "versions": "0+",
        "about": "The leader epoch." },
      { "name": "Isr", "type": "[]int32", "versions": "0+", "entityType": "brokerId",
        "about": "The in-sync replica IDs." },
      { "name": "ZkVersion", "type": "int32", "versions": "0+",
        "about": "The ZooKeeper version." },
      { "name": "Replicas", "type": "[]int32", "versions": "0+", "entityType": "brokerId",
        "about": "The replica IDs." },
      { "name": "AddingReplicas", "type": "[]int32", "versions": "3+", "ignorable": true, "entityType": "brokerId",
        "about": "The replica IDs that we are adding this partition to, or null if no replicas are being added." },
      { "name": "RemovingReplicas", "type": "[]int32", "versions": "3+", "ignorable": true, "entityType": "brokerId",
        "about": "The replica IDs that we are removing this partition from, or null if no replicas are being removed." },
      { "name": "IsNew", "type": "bool", "versions": "1+", "default": "false", "ignorable": true,
        "about": "Whether the replica should have existed on the broker or not." },
      // -------- Properties added by this KIP ---------
      { "name": "IsLeaderRecovering", "type": "booleanbool", "versions": "6+", "default": "false", "ignorable": true,
        "about": "Whether the leader was elected using the unclean leader election strategy and it is recovering." } 


Code Block
    "apiKey": 56,
    "type": "request",
    "listeners": ["zkBroker", "controller"],
    "name": "AlterIsrRequest",
    "validVersions": "0-1",
    "flexibleVersions": "0+",
    "fields": [
      { "name": "BrokerId", "type": "int32", "versions": "0+", "entityType": "brokerId",
        "about": "The ID of the requesting broker" },
      { "name": "BrokerEpoch", "type": "int64", "versions": "0+", "default": "-1",
        "about": "The epoch of the requesting broker" },
      { "name": "Topics", "type": "[]TopicData", "versions": "0+", "fields": [
        { "name":  "Name", "type": "string", "versions": "0+", "entityType": "topicName",
          "about": "The name of the topic to alter ISRs for" },
        { "name": "Partitions", "type": "[]PartitionData", "versions": "0+", "fields": [
          { "name": "PartitionIndex", "type": "int32", "versions": "0+",
            "about": "The partition index" },
          { "name": "LeaderEpoch", "type": "int32", "versions": "0+",
            "about": "The leader epoch of this partition" },
          { "name": "NewIsr", "type": "[]int32", "versions": "0+", "entityType": "brokerId",
            "about": "The ISR for this partition"},
          // ----- Start of properties added by this KIP -----
          { "name": "IsLeaderRecovering", "type": "booleanbool", "versions": "1+", "default": "false", "ignoreable": true,
            "about": "Whether the leader is recovering from unclean leader election." },
          // ----- End of properties added by this KIP -----
          { "name": "CurrentIsrVersion", "type": "int32", "versions": "0+",
            "about": "The expected version of ISR which is being updated"}


Code Block
    "apiKey": 56,
    "type": "response",
    "name": "AlterIsrResponse",
    "validVersions": "0-1",
    "flexibleVersions": "0+",
    "fields": [
      { "name": "ThrottleTimeMs", "type": "int32", "versions": "0+",
        "about": "The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota." },
      { "name": "ErrorCode", "type": "int16", "versions": "0+",
        "about": "The top level response error code" },
      { "name": "Topics", "type": "[]TopicData", "versions": "0+", "fields": [
        { "name":  "Name", "type": "string", "versions": "0+", "entityType": "topicName",
          "about": "The name of the topic" },
        { "name": "Partitions", "type": "[]PartitionData", "versions": "0+", "fields": [
          { "name": "PartitionIndex", "type": "int32", "versions": "0+",
            "about": "The partition index" },
          { "name": "ErrorCode", "type": "int16", "versions": "0+",
            "about": "The partition level error code" },
          { "name": "LeaderId", "type": "int32", "versions": "0+", "entityType": "brokerId",
            "about": "The broker ID of the leader." },
          { "name": "LeaderEpoch", "type": "int32", "versions": "0+",
            "about": "The leader epoch." },
          { "name": "Isr", "type": "[]int32", "versions": "0+", "entityType": "brokerId",
            "about": "The in-sync replica IDs." },
          // ----- Start of properties added by this KIP -----
          { "name": "IsLeaderRecovering", "type": "booleanbool", "versions": "1+", "default": "false", "ignoreable": true,
            "about": "Whether the assigned leader is recovering from unclean leader election." },
          // ----- End of properties added by this KIP ----- 
          { "name": "CurrentIsrVersion", "type": "int32", "versions": "0+",
            "about": "The current ISR version." }


Code Block
    "apiKey": 3,
    "type": "metadata",
    "name": "PartitionRecord",
    "validVersions": "0",
    "flexibleVersions": "0+",
    "fields": [
      { "name": "PartitionId", "type": "int32", "versions": "0+", "default": "-1",
        "about": "The partition id." },
      { "name": "TopicId", "type": "uuid", "versions": "0+",
        "about": "The unique ID of this topic." },
      { "name": "Replicas", "type":  "[]int32", "versions":  "0+", "entityType": "brokerId",
        "about": "The replicas of this partition, sorted by preferred order." },
      { "name": "Isr", "type":  "[]int32", "versions":  "0+",
        "about": "The in-sync replicas of this partition" },
      { "name": "RemovingReplicas", "type":  "[]int32", "versions":  "0+", "entityType": "brokerId",
        "about": "The replicas that we are in the process of removing." },
      { "name": "AddingReplicas", "type":  "[]int32", "versions":  "0+", "entityType": "brokerId",
        "about": "The replicas that we are in the process of adding." },
      { "name": "Leader", "type": "int32", "versions": "0+", "default": "-1", "entityType": "brokerId",
        "about": "The lead replica, or -1 if there is no leader." },
      // ----- Start of properties added by this KIP -----
      { "name": "IsLeaderRecovering", "type": "booleanbool", "default": "false", "versions": "0+", "taggedVersions": "0+", "tag": 0,
        "about": "Whether the assigned leader was elected using the unclean leader election strategy and it is recovering." },
      // ----- End of properties added by this KIP -----  
      { "name": "LeaderEpoch", "type": "int32", "versions": "0+", "default": "-1",
        "about": "The epoch of the partition leader." },
      { "name": "PartitionEpoch", "type": "int32", "versions": "0+", "default": "-1",
        "about": "An epoch that gets incremented each time we change anything in the partition." }
