Versions Compared


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  • Formatting was changed.


If the leaving member does not rejoin within the session timeout, the group coordinator kicks it out from the group. If a new member joins with an existing instance ID before the previous member left, the new member is rejected with a FENCEDUNRELEASED_INSTANCE_ID error ID error as long as the previous member is still present.


  • FENCED_MEMBER_EPOCH - The member epoch is fenced by the coordinator. The member must abandon all its partitions and rejoins.
  • STALE_MEMBER_EPOCH - The member epoch is stale. The member must retry after receiving its updated member epoch via the ConsumerGroupHeartbeat API.
  • FENCEDUNRELEASED_INSTANCE_ID - The instance ID is still used by another member. The member must leave first.
  • UNSUPPORTED_ASSIGNOR - The assignor used by the member or its version range are not supported by the group.


Code Block
  "apiKey": TBD,
  "type": "response",
  "name": "ConsumerGroupHeartbeatResponse",
  "validVersions": "0",
  "flexibleVersions": "0+",
  // Supported errors:
   "fields": [
    { "name": "ThrottleTimeMs", "type": "int32", "versions": "0+",
      "about": "The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota." },
    { "name": "ErrorCode", "type": "int16", "versions": "0+",
      "about": "The top-level error code, or 0 if there was no error" },
    { "name": "ErrorMessage", "type": "string", "versions": "0+", "nullableVersions": "0+", "default": "null",
      "about": "The top-level error message, or null if there was no error." },
    { "name": "MemberEpoch", "type": "int32", "versions": "0+",
      "about": "The member epoch." },
    { "name": "ShouldComputeAssignment", "type": "bool", "versions": "0+",
      "about": "True if the member should compute the assignment for the group." },
    { "name": "HeartbeatIntervalMs", "type": "int32", "versions": "0+",
      "about": "The heartbeat interval in milliseconds." }, 
    { "name": "Assignment", "type": "Assignment", "versions": "0+", "nullableVersions": "0+", "default": "null",
	  "about": "null if not provided; the assignment otherwise.", "fields": [
        { "name": "Error", "type": "int8", "versions": "0+",
          "about": "The assigned error." },
        { "name": "AssignedTopicPartitions", "type": "[]TopicPartitions", "versions": "0+",
          "about": "The partitions assigned to the member that can be used immediately." },
        { "name": "PendingTopicPartitions", "type": "[]TopicPartitions", "versions": "0+",
          "about": "The partitions assigned to the member that cannot be used because they are not released by their former owners yet." },
        { "name": "MetadataVersion", "type": "int16", "versions": "0+",
          "about": "The version of the metadata." },
        { "name": "MetadataBytes", "type": "bytes", "versions": "0+",
          "about": "The assigned metadata." }
  "commonStructs": [
    { "name": "TopicPartitions", "versions": "0+", "fields": [
        { "name": "TopicId", "type": "uuid", "versions": "0+",
          "about": "The topic ID." },
        { "name": "Partitions", "type": "[]int32", "versions": "0+",
          "about": "The partitions." }


Upon receiving the UNKNOWN_MEMBER_ID or FENCED_MEMBER_EPOCH error, the consumer abandon all its partitions and rejoins with the same member id and the epoch 0.

Upon receiving the FENCEDUNRELEASED_INSTANCE_ID errorID error, the consumer should fail.
