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GSOC Varnish Cache support in Apache Traffic Control

Apache Traffic Control is a Content Delivery Network (CDN) control plane for large scale content distribution.

Traffic Control currently requires Apache Traffic Server as the underlying cache. Help us expand the scope by integrating with the very popular Varnish Cache.

There are multiple aspects to this project:

  • Configuration Generation: Write software to build Varnish configuration files (VCL). This code will be implemented in our Traffic Ops and cache client side utilities, both written in Go.
  • Health Monitoring: Implement monitoring of the Varnish cache health and performance. This code will run both in the Traffic Monitor component and within Varnish. Traffic Monitor is written in Go and Varnish is written in C.
  • Testing: Adding automated tests for new code


  • Proficiency in Go is required
  • A basic knowledge of HTTP and caching is preferred, but not required for this project.
Difficulty: Major
Project size: ~350 hour (large)
Potential mentors:
Eric Friedrich, mail: friede (at)
Project Devs, mail: dev (at)


[GSOC] [SkyWalking] GSOC 2023 Tasks

This is a placeholder for Apache SkyWalking GSOC 2023 ideas, we are currently brainstorming for projects and will update asap. 

There will be at least two projects, one around AIOps algorithms.

Difficulty: Major
Project size: ~350 hour (large)
Potential mentors:
Yihao Chen, mail: yihaochen (at)
Project Devs, mail: dev (at)


Code Insights for Apache StreamPipes

Apache StreamPipes

Apache StreamPipes (incubating) is a self-service (Industrial) IoT toolbox to enable non-technical users to connect, analyze and explore IoT data streams. StreamPipes offers several modules including StreamPipes Connect to easily connect data from industrial IoT sources, the Pipeline Editor to quickly create processing pipelines and several visualization modules for live and historic data exploration. Under the hood, StreamPipes utilizes an event-driven microservice paradigm of standalone, so-called analytics microservices making the system easy to extend for individual needs.


StreamPipes has grown significantly throughout recent years. We were able to introduce a lot of new features and attracted both users and contributors. Putting the cherry on the cake, we were graduated as an Apache top level project in December 2022. We will of course continue developing new features and never rest to make StreamPipes even more amazing. Although, since we are approaching with full stream towards our `1.0` release, we want to project also to get more mature. Therefore, we want to address one of our Achilles' heels: our test coverage.

Don't worry, this issue is not about implementing myriads of tests for our code base. As a first step, we would like to make the status quo transparent. That means we want to measure our code coverage consistently across the whole codebase (Backend, UI, Python library) and report the coverage to codecov. Furthermore, to benchmark ourselves and motivate us to provide tests with every contributing, we would like to lock the current test coverage as an lower threshold that we always want to achieve (meaning in case we drop CI builds fail etc). With time we then can increase the required coverage lever step to step.

More than monitoring our test coverage, we also want to invest in better and more clean code. Therefore, we would like to adopt sonarcloud for our repository.


  • [ ] calculate test coverage for all main parts of the repo
  • [ ] send coverage to codeCov
  • [ ] determine coverage threshold and let CI fail if below
  • [ ] include sonarcloud in CI setup
  • [ ] include automatic coverage report in PR validation (see an example here ) -> optional
  • [ ] include automatic sonarcloud report in PR validation -> optional
  • [ ] what ever comes in your mind 💡 further ideas are always welcome

❗Important Note❗

Do not create any account in behalf of Apache StreamPipes in Sonarcloud or in CodeCov or using the name of Apache StreamPipes for any account creation. Your mentor will take care of it.

Relevant Skills

  • basic knowledge about GitHub worfklows

Learning Material

Name and Contact Information

Name: Tim Bossenmaier

email:  bossenti[at]

community: dev[at]


Difficulty: Major
Project size: ~175 hour (medium)
Potential mentors:
Tim Bossenmaier, mail: bossenti (at)
Project Devs, mail: dev (at)

Commons Statistics
