Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations

  • Bus -
  • Conduit -
  • CORBA -
  • Data Binding -
  • Endpoint -
  • Fault -
  • Front-end -
  • HTTP -
  • HTTPS -
  • IDL -
  • Jabber
  • JAXB -
  • JAX-RS -
  • JAX-WS -
  • Javadoc -
  • Java EE -
  • Javascript -
  • JBI -
  • JiBX -
  • JMS -
  • Maven -
  • Protocol Binding -
  • REST -
  • SAAJ -
  • SDO - An acronym for Service Data Object. A ...
  • Service Model -
  • SOAP -
  • Spring Framework -
  • Transport -
  • WSDL - WSDL is an XML format for describing network services as a set of endpoints operating on messages containing either document-oriented or procedure-oriented information.
  • WS-* -
  • XML - An acronym for Extensible markup Language. A general-purpose specification used for creating markup languages. This specification allows for the creation of custom tags in structured text files.



  1. Call conduit.prepare(message): this starts the message sending. At this point a Conduit may initiate a connection and set the OutputStream for the outgoing message.
  2. Writing of the actual message to the OutputStream
  3. Call to conduit.close(message): this closes and disposes of any existing resources for the message sending.
    A message sender may also register a MessageObserver with the Conduit. If the Conduit is synchronous, the MessageObserver will be notified once a response has been received.


Destinations are the basis for receiving incoming messages. A destination is created from a DestinationFactory:

Code Block
DestinationFactoryManager dfManager = bus.getExtension(DestinationFactoryManager.class);

// Find a DestinationFactory for the SOAP HTTP transport
DestinationFactory df = dfManager.getDestinationFactory("");

// TODO: outline building of EndpointInfo
EndpointInfo endpointInfo = ...;
Destination destination = df.getDestination(endpointInfo);
