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Scalate sites can be viewed by pointing your Web browser to http://localhost:8080.


Barrier to Entry for Contributors

Most of the issues raised revolve around the fact that any solution involving putting the site under version control, which Infrastructure will begin requiring in 2011, makes it more difficult for people to contribute to the documentation.

Hadrian raises the issue here:

The current Confluence implementation requires that contributors have a signed CLA on file before karma can be granted. As Dan K. points out(, the CLA requirement makes the barrier to entry pretty steep already.

Putting the site content in SVN means that contributors will be required to submit changes as patches through JIRA and committers will be required to review and apply the patches. This changes the nature of the barrier since submitting a patch does not require a signed CLA, but it does require using SVN and JIRA. It also requires more effort from the committers.

Opinions vary about the merits of changing the barrier to entry. Some feel that making people use SVN and JIRA will scare away newbies and people who just want to contribute documentation. Others argue that it is no big deal and that the barrier for making documentation changes should be the same.

In the long run, this will be a moot point since Infrastructure is going to require that a project's static site is stored in SVN.