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GSOC Varnish Cache support in Apache Traffic Control

Apache Traffic Control is a Content Delivery Network (CDN) control plane for large scale content distribution.

Traffic Control currently requires Apache Traffic Server as the underlying cache. Help us expand the scope by integrating with the very popular Varnish Cache.

There are multiple aspects to this project:

  • Configuration Generation: Write software to build Varnish configuration files (VCL). This code will be implemented in our Traffic Ops and cache client side utilities, both written in Go.
  • Health Monitoring: Implement monitoring of the Varnish cache health and performance. This code will run both in the Traffic Monitor component and within Varnish. Traffic Monitor is written in Go and Varnish is written in C.
  • Testing: Adding automated tests for new code


  • Proficiency in Go is required
  • A basic knowledge of HTTP and caching is preferred, but not required for this project.
Difficulty: Major
Project size: ~350 hour (large)
Potential mentors:
Eric Friedrich, mail: friede (at)
Project Devs, mail: dev (at)

Add server indicator if a server is a cache

Difficulty: Trivial
Project size: ~175 hour (medium)
Potential mentors:
Brennan Fieck, mail: ocket8888 (at)
Project Devs, mail: dev (at)


Apache ShardingSphere Support mainstream database metadata table query

Apache ShardingSphere

Apache ShardingSphere is positioned as a Database Plus, and aims at building a standard layer and ecosystem above heterogeneous databases. It focuses on how to reuse existing databases and their respective upper layer, rather than creating a new database. The goal is to minimize or eliminate the challenges caused by underlying databases fragmentation.



ShardingSphere has designed its own metadata database to simulate metadata queries that support various databases.

More details:


  • Support PostgreSQL And openGauss `\d tableName`
  • Support PostgreSQL And openGauss `\d+`
  • Support PostgreSQL And openGauss `\d+ tableName`
  • Support PostgreSQL And openGauss `l`
  • Support query for MySQL metadata `TABLES`
  • Support query for MySQL metadata `COLUMNS`
  • Support query for MySQL metadata `schemata`
  • Support query for MySQL metadata `ENGINES`
  • Support query for MySQL metadata `FILES`
  • Support query for MySQL metadata `VIEWS`

Notice, these issues can be a good example.

Relevant Skills

  •  Master JAVA language
  •  Have a basic understanding of Zookeeper
  •  Be familiar with MySQL/Postgres SQLs 


Chuxin Chen, Committer of Apache ShardingSphere,

Zhengqiang Duan, PMC of Apache ShardingSphere,

Difficulty: Major
Project size: ~350 hour (large)
Potential mentors:
Chuxin Chen, mail: tuichenchuxin (at)
Project Devs, mail: dev (at)


Apache ShenYu Gsoc 2023 - Support for Kubernetes Service Discovery


Apache ShenYu is a Java native API Gateway for service proxy, protocol conversion and API governance. Currently, ShenYu has good usability and performance in microservice scenarios. However, ShenYu's support for Kubernetes is still relatively weak.


1. Support the registration of microservices deployed in K8s Pod to shenyu-admin and use K8s as the register center.
2. Discuss with mentors, and complete the requirements design and technical design of Shenyu K8s Register Center.
3. Complete the initial version of Shenyu K8s Register Center.
4. Complete the CI test of Shenyu K8s Register Center, verify the correctness of the code.
5. Write the necessary documentation, deployment guides, and instructions for users to connect microservices running inside the K8s Pod to ShenYu

Relevant Skills

1. Know the use of Apache ShenYu, especially the register center
2. Familiar with Java and Golang
3. Familiar with Kubernetes and can use Java or Golang to develop

Difficulty: Major
Project size: ~350 hour (large)
Potential mentors:
Yonglun Zhang, mail: zhangyonglun (at)
Project Devs, mail: dev (at)

Community Development

Add server indicator if a server is a cache

Difficulty: Trivial
Project size: ~175 hour (medium)
Potential mentors:
Brennan Fieck, mail: ocket8888 (at)
Project Devs, mail:

Apache Nemo

Dynamic Work Stealing on Nemo for handling skews

We aim to handle the problem on throttled resources (heterogeneous resources) and skewed input data. In order to solve this problem, we suggest dynamic work stealing that can dynamically track task statuses and steal workloads among each other. To do this, we have the following action items:

  • Dynamically collecting task statistics during execution
  • Detecting skewed tasks periodically
  • Splitting the data allocated in skewed tasks and reallocating them into new tasks
  • Synchronizing the optimization procedure
  • Evaluation of the resulting implementations
Difficulty: Major
Project size: ~350 hour (large)
Potential mentors:
Wonook, mail: wonook (at)
Project Devs, mail: dev (at)
