Versions Compared


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titleFinalize the release

Once the release candidate has been reviewed and approved by the community, the release should be finalized. This involves the final deployment of the release candidate to the release repositories, merging of the website changes, etc.

Deploy Python artifacts to PyPI (Since 1.9)

Release manager should create a PyPI account and ask the PMC add this account to pyflink collaborator list with Maintainer role (The PyPI admin account info can be found here. NOTE, only visible to PMC members) to deploy the Python artifacts to PyPI. The artifacts could be uploaded using twine( To install twine, just run:

Code Block
pip install --upgrade twine==1.12.0

Note: Please ensure that the version of urllib3  is less than 2.0 in your python env, otherwise you may encounter some problem like unexpected keyword argument method_whitelist.

Download the python artifacts from and upload it to

Code Block
svn checkout${RELEASE_VERSION}-rc${RC_NUM}
cd flink-${RELEASE_VERSION}-rc${RC_NUM}

cd python

#uploads wheels
for f in *.whl; do twine upload --repository-url $f $f.asc; done

#upload source packages
twine upload --repository-url apache-flink-libraries-${RELEASE_VERSION}.tar.gz apache-flink-libraries-${RELEASE_VERSION}.tar.gz.asc

twine upload --repository-url apache-flink-${RELEASE_VERSION}.tar.gz apache-flink-${RELEASE_VERSION}.tar.gz.asc

If upload failed or incorrect for some reason(e.g. network transmission problem), you need to delete the uploaded release package of the same version(if exists) and rename the artifact to apache-flink-${RELEASE_VERSION}.post0.tar.gz, then re-upload.

Note: re-uploading to must be avoided as much as possible because it will cause some irreparable problems. If that happens, users cannot install the apache-flink package by explicitly specifying the package version, i.e. the following command "pip install apache-flink==${RELEASE_VERSION}" will fail. Instead they have to run "pip install apache-flink" or "pip install apache-flink==${RELEASE_VERSION}.post0" to install the apache-flink package.

Deploy artifacts to Maven Central Repository

Use the Apache Nexus repository to release the staged binary artifacts to the Maven Central repository. In the Staging Repositories section, find the relevant release candidate orgapacheflink-XXX entry and click Release. Drop all other release candidates that are not being released.

Deploy source and binary releases to

Copy the source and binary releases from the dev repository to the release repository at using Subversion.

Code Block

(Note: Only PMC members have access to the release repository. If you do not have access, ask on the mailing list for assistance.)

Remove old release candidates from

Remove the old release candidates from using Subversion.

Code Block
titleRemove old release candidates from
svn checkout --depth=immediates
cd flink
svn remove flink-${RELEASE_VERSION}-rc*
svn commit -m "Remove old release candidates for Apache Flink ${RELEASE_VERSION}"

Git tag

Create and push a new Git tag for the released version by copying the tag for the final release candidate, as follows:

Code Block
git tag -s "release-${RELEASE_VERSION}" refs/tags/${TAG}^{} -m "Release Flink ${RELEASE_VERSION}"
git push <remote> refs/tags/release-${RELEASE_VERSION}

Mark the version as released in JIRA

In JIRA, inside version management, hover over the current release and a settings menu will appear. Click Release, and select today’s date.

(Note: Only PMC members have access to the project administration. If you do not have access, ask on the mailing list for assistance.)

If PRs have been merged to the release branch after the the last release candidate was tagged, make sure that the corresponding Jira tickets have the correct Fix Version set.

Publish the Dockerfiles for the new release

Note: the official Dockerfiles fetch the binary distribution of the target Flink version from an Apache mirror. After publishing the binary release artifacts, mirrors can take some hours to start serving the new artifacts, so you may want to wait to do this step until you are ready to continue with the "Promote the release" steps below.

Follow the instructions in the flink-docker repo to build the new Dockerfiles and send an updated manifest to Docker Hub so the new images are built and published.

titlepublishing to DockerHub: apache/flink

Please make sure "publishing to DockerHub: apache/flink" is finished before the announce mail or announcement blog post is sent.

Checklist to proceed to the next step

  • Python artifacts released and indexed in the PyPI Repository
  • Maven artifacts released and indexed in the Maven Central Repository (usually takes about a day to show up)
  • Source & binary distributions available in the release repository of
  • Dev repository is empty
  • Release tagged in the source code repository
  • Release version finalized in JIRA. (Note: Not all committers have administrator access to JIRA. If you end up getting permissions errors ask on the mailing list for assistance)
  • Website contains links to new release binaries and sources in download page
  • For major releases, the front page references the correct new major release version and directs to the correct link
  • Dockerfiles in flink-docker updated for the new Flink release and pull request opened on the Docker official-images with an updated manifest
