Versions Compared


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Within the mimetypes.xml file we need to map a filename pattern (regex or not) to a custom mimetype. Below we have 3 mimetypes, the first 2 are default in pushpull the 3rd is a custom one based on the filenaming of our desired HDF-5 remote files.

Code Block
    <mime-type type="metadata/cas_pushpull">
        <glob pattern="*.info.tmp"/>
    <mime-type type="metadata/cas_metadata">
        <glob pattern="*.cas"/>
        <glob pattern="*.met"/>
    <mime-type type="product/TESLevel2CO2">
        <_comment>Level 2 - CO2 Retrivals from TES</_comment>        
        <glob pattern="TES-Aura_L2-CO2-Nadir_r\d{10}\w{2}\d{2}\w\d{2}\.he5" isregex="true"/>


Code Block
        <aliasSpec file="[CAS_PP_HOME]/etc/examples/ExternalSources/ExternalSources.xml"/>            
        <daemon alias="TESL2CO2" active="yes">
            <runInfo firstRunDateTime="2011-12-01T00:00:00Z" period="3m" runOnReboot="yes"/>
            <propInfo dir="[CAS_PP_HOME]/etc/examples/DirStructXmlParserFiles">
                <propFiles regExp="TESL2CO2\.xml" parser="org.apache.oodt.cas.pushpull.filerestrictions.parsers.DirStructXmlParser"/>
            <dataInfo stagingArea="TESL2CO2" deleteFromServer="no"/>
Wiki Markup

Purpose: This file tells pushpull how to parse the remote directory structure. In this example the starting_path is static for all of our remote file paths, but then we have dynamic folders that correspond to a YYYY.MM.DD format so we have a simple regex to pushpull will dig down into each subfolder and will pull out the filename we have declared with another regex.
Within the examples/DirStructXmlParserFiles there are several different examples to learn from.

Code Block

    <dirstruct starting_path="/TES/TL2CO2N.005">
        <dir name="\d{4}\.\d{2}\.\d{2}"> <!-- regex matching '2004.09.20' -->
            <!-- regex matching TES-Aura_L2-CO2-Nadir_r0000002147_F06_09.he5 -->
            <file name="TES-Aura_L2-CO2-Nadir_r\d{10}\w{2}\d{2}\w\d{2}\.he5"/>