Versions Compared


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Create a tab delimited file using a text editor and import it into HDFS. Start the pig shell and verify a load and dump work. Make sure you have a space on both sides of the = sign. The statement 'using PigStorage('\t')' tells Pig the columns in the text file are delimited using tabs.

No Format
grunt>A = load '/pigdata/PIGTESTA.txt' using PigStorage('\t');


grunt>dump A

Running HBase

No Format

h1. Running HBase


sudo apt-get install hbase\*


sudo service hbase-master start


hbase shell


# test the HBase shell by creating a HBase table and verifying the table exists in HBase


create 't1','f1','f2','f3'

  1. you should see a verification from HBase the table t1 exists
