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0.7.1 (January 19th, 2012)

A maintenance release for Ritornello is available.

Bug fixed in this release:

  1. #267 Failure retrieving notification task details
  2. #270 Diff between UserTO objects fails for virtual attribute
  3. #271 Update fails onto db table resourcefresh install

0.7 (December 30th, 2011)

With great pleasure and pride we announce the availability of the new 0.7 Ritornello, released on schedule (check it on the roadmap).

This release introduces some relevant new features and fixes a considerable number of bugs. See the complete list of issues involved.

New features are summarized below.

Since 0.7RC2 the following issues have been closed:

  1. #113 Provide documentation for the Authentication and Authorization process
  2. #169 Virtual demo disk
  3. #263 ORA-00972: identifier is too long error on a fresh install

For this new stable release, Syncope website and wiki have also been updated and enriched.

0.7RC2 (December 27th, 2011)

Time for second release candidate for Ritornello; as planned, no new features have been added, only bugs fixed:

  1. #252 Overridable field
  2. #253 Add two files in archetype
  3. #254 Assigned roles
  4. #255 Exception adding user with a Long, Unique, Required Attribute
  5. #256 Wrong modal window into task detail (message)
  6. #258 Change attribute type
  7. #259 User attribute schema with Unique constraint
  8. #260 Remove unique constraint with existing users
  9. #261 Multi Value and Unique

Read about new features available since 0.7RC1.

0.7RC1 (December 15th, 2011)

This is the very first release candidate for Ritornello, introducing some relevant new features and fixing a considerable number of bugs.
See the complete list of issues involved with this release.

New features are summarized below.

Supported DBMS

Ritornello introduces full support to MySQL (InnoDB), thus enriching the set of DBMS supported by Syncope for internal storage:

  1. MySQL (>= 5.1)
  2. PostgreSQL (>= 9.0)
  3. Oracle 11g

Schedulable tasks

Execution of tasks can now be scheduled inside Syncope.

Tasks are Java classes extending AbstractJob, allowing custom logic to be executed at a certain schedule.

Schedule is supported thanks to inclusion of Quartz.

Synchronization from external resources

External resources (see Connectors and resources for some background information) can now be queried for modifications, if underlying connector implements

Code Block

operation (see ConnId's website for details).

Such feature allows either to do an initial import of users from a given external resources and to periodically pull for modifications.

ConnId provides some connector bundles out-of-the-box supporting

Code Block


  1. LDAP (only for some server implementations)
  2. Active Directory (JNDI)
  3. Database (optional)
  4. CSV directory

User workflow

Former workflow engine (OSWorkflow) has been discontinued, so Ritornello moves to one of reference Open Source implementations in this respect: Activiti BPM.

Moreover, the whole approach to user workflow has been completely re-engineered: see the following for more information.

Pluggable implementation

Syncope now provides a void implementation and an Activiti-based implementation of the new UserWorkflowAdapter interface.

New implementations can be plugged in by implementing such Java interface or by extending an abstract Java class.


Every event occurring during execution of user workflow can be configured to be notified by e-mail.

Each notification is created by defining who is the notification related to, which recipients are to be sent, which e-mail template is to be used and so on.


User workflow can be configured to require an approval from one or more designated administrators for specific events.
Administrators will see all pending approvals in the new TODO section of admin console; each approval can be claimed and then managed.

Approval forms allow rich, configurable input. Activiti-based user workflow empowers Activiti forms.

End-user requests

Syncope now allows users to perform self-registration and self-management through admin console.

Such requests will have to be administered by one of configured administrators.

Password policies

Password policies can be defined in order to enforce specific constraints on password definition, thus improving overall security.

Syncope defines a global password policy applying to password for all users present; specific password policies can be also defined and associated to roles.

Account policies

Account policies can be defined in order to enforce specific constraints on username definition and account lockout.

Syncope defines a global account policy applying to all users present; specific account policies can be also defined and associated to roles.

Admin console improvements

Admin console has been refactored and extended in order to support all new features above. In addition, some noticeable items can be reported here:

  1. User workflow XML editing
  2. Internal database export as XML
  3. Connectors / Resources reorganization
  4. Roles section reorganization

Project management (Maven) improvements

From a developer point of view, many enhancements were brought to project management via Apache Maven:

  1. Selenium tests for admin console
  2. External database resource via H2 for propagation tests
  3. External LDAP resource via Apache DS for propagation tests
  4. External CSV directory for synchronization tests
  5. JRebel for faster web applications redeploy