Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. Install HBase
    No Format
    sudo apt-get install hbase\*
  2. For bigtop-0.2.0 uncomment and set JAVA_HOME in /etc/hbase/conf/
  3. For bigtop-0.3.0 this shouldn't be necessary because JAVA_HOME is auto detected
    No Format
    sudo service hbase-master start
    hbase shell
  4. Test the HBase shell by creating a HBase table named t1 with 3 columns f1, f2 and f3. Verify the table exists in HBase
    No Format
    create 't1','f1','f2','f3'
    you should see a verification from HBase the table t1 exists, the symbol t1 which is the table name should appear under list

Running Hive


  1. This


  1. is


  1. for


  1. bigtop-0.2.0


  1. where


  1. hadoop-hive,


  1. hadoop-hive-server,


  1. and


  1. hadoop-hive-metastore


  1. are


  1. installed


  1. automatically


  1. because


  1. the


  1. hive


  1. services


  1. start


  1. with


  1. the


  1. word


  1. hadoop.


  1. For


  1. bigtop-0.3.0


  1. if


  1. you


  1. use


  1. the


  1. sudo


  1. apt-get


  1. install


  1. hadoop


  1. *


  1. command


  1. you


  1. won't


  1. get


  1. the


  1. Hive


  1. components


  1. installed.


  1. create


  1. the


  1. HDFS


  1. directories


  1. Hive


  1. needs


  1. The Hive Post install scripts should create the /tmp and /user/hive/warehouse directories. If they don't exist, create them in HDFS.
    No Format
    hadoop fs -mkdir /tmp

    hadoop fs -mkdir /user/hive/warehouse

    hadoop -chmod g+x /tmp

    hadoop -chmod g+x /user/hive/warehouse
    No Format
  2. create directory /var/run/hive #
  3. create directory /var/lock/subsys
    No Format
    sudo mkdir /var/run/hive

    sudo mkdir /var/lock/subsys

    sudo /etc/init.d/hadoop-hive-server start
  4. create a table in Hive and verify it is there
    No Format
    hive>create table doh(id int);
    hive>show tables;
