Versions Compared


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Comment: Fix some export commands.


  • Compile Hive code with javac.debug=on. Under Hive checkout directory.
    Code Block
        > ant -Djavac.debug=on package
    If you have already built Hive without javac.debug=on, you can clean the build and then run the above command.
    Code Block
        > ant clean  # not necessary if the first time to compile
        > ant -Djavac.debug=on package
  • Run ant test with additional options to tell the Java VM that is running Hive server-side code to wait for the debugger to attach. First define some convenient macros for debugging. You can put it in your .bashrc or .cshrc.
    Code Block
        > export HIVE_DEBUG_PORT=8000
        > export $HIVEHIVE_DEBUG="-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=${HIVE_DEBUG_PORT},server=y,suspend=y"
    In particular HIVE_DEBUG_PORT is the port number that the JVM is listening on and the debugger will attach to. Then run the unit test as follows:
    Code Block
        > export HADOOP_OPTS=$HIVE_DEBUG
        > ant test -Dtestcase=TestCliDriver -Dqfile=<mytest>.q
    The unit test will run until it shows:
    Code Block
         [junit] Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 8000
  • Now, you can use jdb to attach to port 8000 to debug
    Code Block
        > jdb -attach 8000
    or if you are running Eclipse and the Hive projects are already imported, you can debug with Eclipse. Under Eclipse Run -> Debug Configurations, find "Remote Java Application" at the bottom of the left panel. There should be a MapRedTask configuration already. If there is no such configuration, you can create one with the following property:
  • Name: any time such as MapRedTask
  • Project: the Hive project that you imported.
  • Connection Type: Standard (Socket Attach)
  • Connection Properties: