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  1. Coordinator path: stores the current coordinator info.   /consumers/coordinator --> brokerId (ephemeral; created by coordinator)
  2. ConsumerChannel path: stores the coordinator commands to the consumer.     /consumers/groups/group/channel/consumer/commandId --> command (sequential persistent; created created by coordinator, removed by consumer)


The consumer coordinator keeps the following fields:

coordinatorElector : ZkElection   // A ZK based elector using the coordinator path mentioned above

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groupsBeingRebalanced : Map\[String, AtomicBoolean\]  // For each group, a bit indicating if the group is under rebalancing

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consumerGroupsPerTopic : Map\[String, Set\[String\]\]   // For each topic, the consumer groups that are interested in the topic

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groupsWithWildcardTopics : Set\[String\]   // Groups that has wildcard interests for topics

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rebalanceRequestQ : LinkedBlockingQueue\[String\]    // A blocking queue storing all the rebalance requests, each for one group

requestHandler : RebalanceRequestHandler      // A thread handling all the rebalance requests read from the rebalanceRequestQ

A. On Coordinator Startup

Every server will create an coordinator instance as its member, whose construction function will only initialize the coordinatorElector by passing a callback function called coordinatorStartup.

The coordinatorElector, upon initialization, will immediately try to become the leader. If someone else has become the leader, it will listen to the coordinator path for data change, and try to re-elect whenever the current elector resigns (i.e. the data on the path is deleted). Whenever it elects to become the leader, it will trigger the callback function that is provided by its caller, i.e. the coordinator.

coordinatorStartup() :

1. Read all the topics from ZK and initialize consumerGroupsPerTopic

2. Read all the consumer groups from ZK

2.1 Get the current interested topics of each group, update consumerGroupsPerTopic by adding the group to each topic's interested group list

2.2 If the group has some consumer specifying wildcard topic-counts, then add the group to groupsWithWildcardTopics

2.3 Always try to rebalance every group by adding (group -> new AtomicBoolean(true)) to groupsBeingRebalanced and put group to rebalanceRequestQ

3. Register listeners for topics and their partition changes

3.1 Subscribe TopicChangeListener to /brokers/topics

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3.2 Subscribe _TopicPartitionChangeListener_ to each /brokers/topics/\[topic\]

4. Register listeners for consumer groups and their member changes

4.1 Subscribe registerGroupChangeListener to /consumers/groups/

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4.2 Subscribe _registerGroupMemeberChangeListener_ to each /consumers/groups/\[groups\]/ids

5. Register session expiration listener

6. Initialize and start the requestHandler thread

B. On Coordinator Change/Failover

Whenever the current coordinator's hosted server dies, other coordinator's elector will realize that through the ZK listener and will try to re-elect to be the leader, and whoever wins will trigger the callback function coordinatorStartup.

When the dead server comes back, it will first reset its state by clearing consumerGroupsPerTopic, groupsWithWildcardTopics and rebalanceRequestQ, etc, re-register the session expiration listener, and try to re-elect to be the coordinator by directly calling the elect function of its coordinatorElector.

C. On ZK Watcher Fires

D. On Rebalance Handling
