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KIP-595, KIP-630 and KIP631, introduced the KRaft cluster metadata topic partitions. These are partitions partition. This is a partition with replicas that can achieve consensus on the Kafka log without relying on the Controller or ZK. The KRaft Controllers in KIP-631 use one of these topic partitions (called cluster metadata topic partition) use this partition to order operations on the cluster, commit them to disk and replicate them to other controllers and brokers.

Consensus on the cluster metadata partition was achieved by the voters (Controllerscontrollers). If the operator of a KRaft cluster wanted to make changes to the set of voters, they would have to  to shutdown all of the controllers nodes and manually make changes to the on-disk state of the old controllers and new controllers. If the operator wanted to replace an existing voter because of a disk failure or general hardware failure, they would have to make sure that the new voter node has a superset of the previous voter's on-disk state. Both of these solutions are manual and error prone.

This KIP describes a protocol for extending KIP-595 and KIP-630 so that the operator operators can programmatically update the voter set in a way that is safe and is available. There are two important use cases that this KIP supports. One use case is that the operator wants to change the number of controllers by adding or removing a controller.  The other use case is that the operation wants to replace a controller because of a disk or hardware failure.


Voters: A voter is any replica that can transition to the candidate state and to the leader state. Voters for the KRaft cluster metadata partition are also called controllers. Voters are required to have an ID and UUID.

Voter set: A voter set is the group of voters for a partition. Each replica keeps their own set of voters that are part of the topic partition. For a replica, the voters are the replica ID and UUID is in its own voter set. A candidate needs to get votes from the majority of its own voter set before is it can become the leader of an epoch. When a voter becomes a leader it will use its voter set to determine when an offset has been committed.


This KIP is inspired by Chapter 4 of Consensus: Bridging Theory and Practice [2]. The description of this KIP makes the assumption that the reader is familiar with the references enumerated at the bottom of this page. The user -level explanation section explains the feature as the user would interact with it. The reference -level explanation section goes into the implementation details of this feature. 


There will be two mechanisms for bootstrapping the KRaft cluster metadata partition. For context, the set of voters in the KRaft cluster metadata partition is currently bootstrapped and configured using the controller.quorum.voters server property. This property is also used to configured the brokers with the set of endpoint endpoints that know the location of the leader if it exists.

This feature will instead persist the set of voters in the cluster metadata partition log, snapshots and quorum state. The new controller.quorum.bootstrap.servers property will be added to configure replicas with a set of endpoints that could be used to discover the set of voters and latest leader.

Bootstrapping with one voter


The changes to the protocol and replicated state to implement for this feature are not compatible with the existing KRaft implementation. This feature cannot be enabled unless all of the replicas for the KRaft cluster metadata partition support this feature. The user can upgrade the KRaft version of an existing KRaft cluster with the following command:


This command will parse the release-version to the matching MetadataVersion metadata.version and kraft.version features. It will send a UpdateFeatures request to a node with both features set to the matching version. KRaft will write the kraft.versionRecord KRaftVersionRecord control record, if all of the controllers and brokers support the new version. KRaft will use the information in the controller registration, broker registration and add voter records to determine if the new version is compatible.


To decrease the number of controller controllers the use user needs to execute the following CLI command:

Code Block
kafka-metadata-quorum --bootstrap-server <endpoints> remove-controller --replicacontroller-id <replica-id> --replicacontroller-uuid <replica-uuid>

Common Scenarios


At this point the disk for replica 3 is replaced and formatted. This means that when replica 3 starts it will have a new replica uuid (UUID3') and an empty set of voters. Replica 3 will discover the partition leader either using controller.quorum.bootstrap.servers or by the leader sending a BeginQuorumEpoch request to replica 3. Once the new replica, (3, UUID3'), discovers the leader it send the Fetch and FetchSnapshot requests to the leader. At this point the leader's set of voters will be (1, UUID1), (2, UUID2) and (3, UUID3) and the set of observers will include (3, UUID3').


When the RemoveVoter RPC succeeds the voters will be (1, UUID1), (2, UUID2), and (3, UUID3'). At this point the Kafka cluster has successfully recover from a disk failure in a controller node in a consistent way.

Node Failure Recovery

To support this scenario the Kafka cluster must be configured to use controller.quorum.bootstrap.servers. Let's assume that the voter set is (1, UUID1), (2, UUID2) and (3, UUID3).

At this point replica 3 has failed and the Kafka operator would like to replace it. The operator would start a new controller with replica id 4. The node 4's metadata log dir would get formatted, generate and persist the directory id UUID4. Replica 4 will discover the leader by sending Fetch and FetchSnapshot request to the servers enumerated in controller.quorum.bootstrap.servers. After a successful Fetch RPC, the leader's set of voters will be (1, UUID1), (2, UUID2), (3, UUID3) and set of observers will include (4, UUID4).
