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Wiki Markup
h2. SJMS Component

*Available as of Camel 2.11*

This component is under active development.

The SJMS Component is a JMS client for Camel based purely on the JMS API.  It will be released as part of Camel 2.11 with the following functionality:

* Queue and Topic Support (Durable & Non-Durable)
* InOnly & InOut Support
* Plugable Connection Resource Management
* Session, Consumer, & Producer Pooling & Caching Management
* Asynchronous Producer and Consumer Processing
* Internal JMS Transaction Support

{info:title=Why the S in SJMS}
S stands for Simple and Standard and Springless.  Also camel-jms was already taken. :)

Maven users will need to add the following dependency to their {{pom.xml}} for this component:
    <!-- use the same version as your Camel core version -->

h3. URI format


Where {{destinationName}} is a JMS queue or topic name. By default, the {{destinationName}} is interpreted as a queue name. For example, to connect to the queue, {{FOO.BAR}} use:


You can include the optional {{queue:}} prefix, if you prefer:


To connect to a topic, you _must_ include the {{topic:}} prefix. For example, to connect to the topic, {{Stocks.Prices}}, use:


You append query options to the URI using the following format, {{?option=value&option=value&...}}

h3. SjmsComponent Options and Configurations

Below is an example of how to configure the SjmsComponent with its required ConnectionFactory provider.  It will create a single connection by default and store it using the components internal pooling APIs to ensure that it is able to service Session creation requests in a thread safe manner.

SjmsComponent component = new SjmsComponent();
component.setConnectionFactory(new ActiveMQConnectionFactory("tcp://localhost:61616"));
getContext().addComponent("sjms", component);

For a SjmsComponent that is required to support a durable subscription, you can override the default ConnectionFactoryResource instance and set the *clientId* property.

ConnectionFactoryResource connectionResource = new ConnectionFactoryResource();
connectionResource.setConnectionFactory(new ActiveMQConnectionFactory("tcp://localhost:61616"));

SjmsComponent component = new SjmsComponent();

h3. Producers

The SjmsProducer Endpoint supports the following properties:

|| Option || Default Value || Description ||
| {{acknowledgementMode}} | {{AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE}}  | The JMS acknowledgement name, which is one of: {{TRANSACTED}}, {{CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE}}, {{AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE}}, {{DUPS_OK_ACKNOWLEDGE}} |
| {{consumerCount}} | {{1}}  | Defines the number of MessageListener instances that will be used with the InOut endpoint. |
| {{exchangePattern}} | {{InOnly}}  | Sets the Producers message exchange pattern. |
| {{namedReplyTo}} | {{null}}  | Specifies a named reply to destination for InOut endpoint. |
| {{producerCount}} | {{1}}  | Defines the number of MessageProducer instances. |
| {{responseTimeOut}} | {{5000}}  | Specifies the amount of time an InOutProducer will wait for its response. |
| {{synchronous}} | {{true}}  | Sets whether the Endpoint will use synchronous or asynchronous processing. |
| {{ttl}} | {{-1}}  | Disabled by default.  Sets the Message time to live header. |

h4. InOnly Producer - (Default)

The InOnly Producer is the default behavior of the SJMS Producer Endpoint.


h4. InOut Producer

To enable InOut behavior with the 


h4. SJMS Consumer


h4. Transactions {anchor:transactionCacheLevels}

There is currently no support the Camel Transaction Processor nor does it support the Camel Transaction API.