Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


        echo "/opt/storage/secondary *(rw,no_subtree_check,no_root_squash,fsid=0)" > /etc/exports


        wget $fileSvr/vmtemplatesdefaulttemplates/1/dc68eb4c-228c-4a78-84fa-b80ae178fbfd.vhd  -P /opt/storage/secondary/template/tmpl/1/1/

        wget $fileSvr/vmtemplatesdefaulttemplates/1/  -P /opt/storage/secondary/template/tmpl/1/1/


Optional: get a sample centos/vm template (~50MB) for testing on your host-os:

        wget Modified

A SSVM template is required in the secondary storage (chicken-egg problem), as CloudStack runs the SSVM from NFS and then SSVM then mounts the NFS as secondary storage, make sure the 'host' in global settings is correctly set to your management server IP and at port 8250 it is reachable.


We wish to use NAT as our default interface.
