Versions Compared


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  1. Build the release and run unit tests. This builds a source release artifact, then builds a binary release from that source release, and runs unit tests. Auxiliary files such as MD5 checksums and the releaseaudit report are also generated by the release script.
    Code Block
        FORREST_HOME=/path/to/apache/forrest \
        HCAT_RELEASE_VERSION='X.Y.Z-incubating' \
  2. Sign and verify signature of the release (see Step-By-Step Guide to Mirroring Releases for more information).
    Code Block
        gpg --armor --detach-sig --output build/hcatalog-src-X.Y.Z-incubating.tar.gz.asc \
        gpg --import KEYS  (if necessarily)
        gpg --verify build/hcatalog-src-X.Y.Z-incubating.tar.gz.asc \
  3. Copy release files to a public place (usually into public_html in your home directory):
    Code Block
        ssh mkdir public_html/hcatalog-X.Y.Z-incubating-candidate-0
        scp -p build/hcatalog-src-X.Y.Z-incubating.tar.gz* \
            build/hcatalog-src-X.Y.Z-incubating/build/releaseaudit_report.txt \
            RELEASE_NOTES.txt \
  4. Call a release vote for the Podling PMC (PPMC). This vote must receive a minimum of 3 PPMC members +1s, and more +1s than -1s. The email should be sent to The mail should:
    • Wiki Markup
      have a subject line "\[VOTE\] Release HCatalog X.Y.Z-incubating (candidate a)" where X.Y.Z is the version number and {{a}} is the candidate number for this release.
    • State what is new in this release.
    • Tell where the keys used to sign the release can be found.
    • State where the release, md5 signature, gpg signature, and rat report can be found.
    • Request that users and developers download it, test it, and vote.
    • State when the vote closes. The vote must remain open for at least 72 hours. It can be longer at your discretion (e.g. around major holidays).
      Here is a sample email:
      Code Block
          Subject: [VOTE] Release HCatalog 0.1.0-incubating (candidate 0)
          I have created a candidate build for HCatalog 0.1.0-incubating. This is the initial release of HCatalog.
          Keys used to sign the release are available at
          Please download, test, and try it out:

          The release, md5 signature, gpg signature, and rat report can all be found at the above address.
          Should we release this? Vote closes on Thursday, June 16th.
  5. If the PPMC approves the release, call an Incubator PMC (IPMC) vote on This vote must receive a minimum of 3 IPMC member +1s, and more +1s than -1s. The email sent should look similar, and include a link to the PPMC vote thread.


If both votes pass, the release needs to be published.
