Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


      Parameters include:
       a)    PodId/ClusterId/HostId
       b)    DomainId
       c)    AccountId

       d)    ImplicitDedication      

   Note: Either "DomainId or AccountId" OR "ImplicitDedication Flag" can be provided as a parameter but not both.

  • Release Updating dedication of resources 
    • updateDedicatedPodreleaseDedicatedPod
    • updateDedicatedClusterreleaseDedicatedCluster
    • updateDedicatedHostreleaseDedicatedHost

      These are new APIs to update the dedicated pod/cluster/host for an account/domain.

       Parameters include:
       a)    PodId/ClusterId/HostId
       b)    isPublic (if true, dedication is removed)

  • Listing Dedicated resources per account/domain
    • listDedicatedPods
    • listDedicatedClusters
    • listDedicatedHosts


     Parameters include:
       a)    PodId/ClusterId/HostId
       b)    DomainId
       c)    AccountId

       d)    ImplicitDedication flag

Existing API modification:
