Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. Create a new file named "index.jsp" under /WebContent and set its content to:
Code Block
<%@ taglib prefix="s" uri="/struts-tags"%>
		<s:head theme="ajax" debug="true"/>
		<script type="text/javascript">
			dojo.event.topic.subscribe("/save", function(data, type, request) {
			    if(type == "load") {
					dojo.byId("id").value = "";
					dojo.byId("firstName").value = "";
					dojo.byId("lastName").value = "";

			dojo.event.topic.subscribe("/edit", function(data, type, request) {
			    if(type == "before") {
					var id = data.split("_")[1];

					var tr = dojo.byId("row_"+id);
					var tds = tr.getElementsByTagName("td");

					dojo.byId("id").value = id;
					dojo.byId("firstName").value = dojo.string.trim(dojo.dom.textContent(tds[0]));
					dojo.byId("lastName").value = dojo.string.trim(dojo.dom.textContent(tds[1]));
	    <s:url action="list" id="descrsUrl"/>

        <div style="width: 300px;border-style: solid">
        	<div style="text-align: right;">
    			<s:a theme="ajax" notifyTopics="/refresh">Refresh</s:a>
    		<s:div id="persons" theme="ajax" href="%{descrsUrl}" loadingText="Loading..." listenTopics="/refresh"/>


		<div style="width: 300px;border-style: solid">
			<p>Person Data</p>
			<s:form action="save" validate="true">
			    <s:textfield id="id" name="" cssStyle="display:none"/>
				<s:textfield id="firstName" label="Fisrt Name" name="person.firstName"/>
				<s:textfield id="lastName" label="Last Name" name="person.lastName"/>
				<s:submit theme="ajax" targets="persons" notifyTopics="/save"/>

Look mom no page refresh!
The div "persons" will load its content asynchronously, and will show "Loading..." while while the request is on progress (you can use the "indicator" attribute for better progress feedback), you can force it to refresh clicking on the "Refresh" link. The "submit" button, will make an asynchronous request to the action "save" ("save" method on PersonAction), and will publish the topic "/save" to which we subscribed to, using "dojo.event.topic.subscribe", to clear the input fields.
