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Copy the private key to your home directory (or some place convenient for you) so that it’s easily accessible for uploading via Ambari Web:
$ vagrant
The above command shows the command usage and also creates the private key
$ cp ~/.vagrant.d/insecure_private_key ~


Starting VMs

First, change directory to ambari-vagrant:
$ cd ambari-vagrant
You will see subdirectories for different OS’s. “cd” into the OS that you want to test. "centos6.4" is recommended as this is quicker to launch than other OS's.

$ ./ <# of VMs to launch>
For example, ./ 3 starts 3 VMs. 3 seems to be a good number with 16GB of RAM.
You can specify up to 10 (if your computer can handle it!)
VMs will have the FQDN <os-code>, where <os-code> is c59 (CentOS 5.9), c64 (CentOS 6.4), etc.
E.g.,,, etc.
VMs will have the IP address 192.168.<os-subnet>.101-10, where <os-subnet> is 59 for CentOS 5.9, 64 for CentOS 6.4, etc.
E.g.,,, etc.

$ vagrant up <vm name>
Starts a specific VM. is a wrapper for this call.
Note: if you don’t specify the <vm name> parameter, it will try to start 10 VMs
You can run this if you want to start more VMs after you already called
For example: vagrant up c6406

$ vagrant destroy -f
Destroys all VMs launched from the current directory (deletes them from disk as well)
You can optionally specify a specific VM to destroy

$ vagrant suspend
Suspends (snapshot) all VMs launched from the current directory so that you can resume them later
You can optionally specify a specific VM to suspend

$ vagrant resume
Resumes all suspended VMs launched from the current directory
You can optionally specify a specific VM to resume

$ vagrant ssh host
Starts a SSH session to the host. For example: vagrant ssh c6401

$ vagrant status
Shows which VMs are running, suspended, etc.

Modifying RAM for the VMs


When done testing, run "vagrant destroy -f" to purge the VMs.

$ vagrant up <vm name>

Starts a specific VM. is a wrapper for this call.
Note: if you don’t specify the <vm name> parameter, it will try to start 10 VMs
You can run this if you want to start more VMs after you already called
For example: vagrant up c6406

$ vagrant destroy -f
Destroys all VMs launched from the current directory (deletes them from disk as well)
You can optionally specify a specific VM to destroy

$ vagrant suspend
Suspends (snapshot) all VMs launched from the current directory so that you can resume them later
You can optionally specify a specific VM to suspend

$ vagrant resume
Resumes all suspended VMs launched from the current directory
You can optionally specify a specific VM to resume

$ vagrant ssh host
Starts a SSH session to the host. For example: vagrant ssh c6401

$ vagrant status
Shows which VMs are running, suspended, etc.


All VMs launched will have a directory called /vagrant inside the VM. This maps to the ambari-vagrant/<os> directory on your local computer. You can use this shared directory mapping to push files, etc.
