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Table of Contents


Why do I get QueueFullException in my producer when running in async mode?

This typically happens when the producer is trying to send messages quicker than the broker can handle. If the producer can't block, one will have to add enough brokers so that they jointly can handle the load. If the producer can block, one can set in producer config to -1. This way, if the queue is full, the producer will block instead of dropping messages.

I am using the ZK-based producer in 0.7 and I see data only produced on some of the brokers, but not all, why?

This is related to an issue in Kafka 0.7.x (see the discussion in Added). Basically, for a new topic, the producer bootstraps using all existing brokers. However, if a topic already exists on some brokers, the producer never bootstraps again when new brokers are added to the cluster. This means that the producer won't see those new broker. A workaround is to manually create the log directory for that topic on the new brokers.

Why brokers do not receive producer sent messages?

This happened when I tried to enable gzip compression by setting compression.codec to 1. With the code change, I found not a single message was received by brokers even I had called producer.send() 1 million times. No error printed by producer and no error could be found in broker's kafka-request.log. By adding to my producer's classpath and switch the log level to DEBUG, I captured the java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/xerial/snappy/SnappyInputStream thrown at the producer side. Now I can see this error can be resolved by adding snappy jar to the producer's classpath.


Why does my consumer get InvalidMessageSizeException?

This typically means that the "fetch size" of the consumer is too small. Each time the consumer pulls data from the broker, it reads bytes up to a configured limit. If that limit is smaller than the largest single message stored in Kafka, the consumer can't decode the message properly and will throw an InvalidMessageSizeException. To fix this, increase the limit by setting the property "fetch.size" properly in config/ The default fetch.size is 300,000 bytes.

On EC2, why can't my high-level consumers connect to the brokers?

When a broker starts up, it registers its host ip in ZK. The high-level consumer later uses the registered host ip to establish the socket connection to the broker. By default, the registered ip is given by InetAddress.getLocalHost.getHostAddress. Typically, this should return the real ip of the host. However, in EC2, the returned ip is an internal one and can't be connected to from outside. The solution is to explicitly set the host ip to be registered in ZK by setting the "hostname" property in

Should I choose multiple group ids or a single one for the consumers?

If all consumers use the same group id, messages in a topic are distributed among those consumers. In other words, each consumer will get a non-overlapping subset of the messages. Having more consumers in the same group increases the degree of parallelism and the overall throughput of consumption. See the next question for the choice of the number of consumer instances. On the other hand, if each consumer is in its own group, each consumer will get a full copy of all messages.

Why some of the consumers in a consumer group never receive any message?

Currently, a topic partition is the smallest unit that we distribute messages among consumers in the same consumer group. So, if the number of consumers is larger than the total number of partitions in a Kafka cluster (across all brokers), some consumers will never get any data. The solution is to increase the number of partitions on the broker.

Why are there many rebalances in my consumer log?

A typical reason for many rebalances is the consumer side GC. If so, you will see Zookeeper session expirations in the consumer log (grep for Expired). Occasional rebalances are fine. Too many rebalances can slow down the consumption and one will need to tune the java GC setting.

Can I predict the results of the consumer rebabalance?

During the rebalance process, each consumer will execute the same deterministic algorithm to range partition a sorted list of topic-partitions over a sorted list of consumer instances. This makes the whole rebalancing process deterministic. For example, if you only have one partition for a specific topic and going to have two consumers consuming this topic, only one consumer will get the data from the partition of the topic; and even if the consumer named "Consumer1" is registered after the other consumer named "Consumer2", it will replace "Consumer2" gaining the ownership of the partition in the rebalance.

My consumer seems to have stopped, why?

First, try to figure out if the consumer has really stopped or is just slow. You can use our tool

Code Block

bin/ \--group consumer-group1 \--zkconnect zkhost:zkport \--topic topic1 
consumer-group1,topic1,0-0 (Group,Topic,BrokerId-PartitionId)
Owner = consumer-group1-consumer1
Consumer offset = 70121994703
= 70,121,994,703 (65.31G)
Log size = 70122018287
= 70,122,018,287 (65.31G)
Consumer lag = 23584
= 23,584 (0.00G)

In 0.8, you can also monitor the MaxLag and the MinFetch jmx bean (see

If consumer offset is not moving after some time, then consumer is likely to have stopped. If consumer offset is moving, but consumer lag (difference between the end of the log and the consumer offset) is increasing, the consumer is slower than the producer. If the consumer is slow, the typical solution is to increase the degree of parallelism in the consumer. This may require increasing the number of partitions of a topic.

The high-level consumer will block if

  • there are no more messages available
    • The ConsumerOffsetChecker will show that the log offset of the partitions being consumed does not change on the broker
  • the next message available is larger than the maximum fetch size you have specified
    • One possibility of a stalled consumer is that the fetch size in the consumer is smaller than the largest message in the broker. You can use the DumpLogSegments tool to figure out the largest message size and set fetch.size in the consumer config accordingly.
  • your client code simply stops pulling messages from the iterator (the blocking queue will fill up).
    • One of the typical causes is that the application code that consumes messages somehow died and therefore killed the consumer thread. We recommend using a try/catch clause to log all Throwable in the consumer logic.
Why messages are delayed in my consumer?

This could be a general throughput issue. If so, you can use more consumer streams (may need to increase # partitions) or make the consumption logic more efficient.

Another potential issue is when multiple topics are consumed in the same consumer connector. Internally, we have an in-memory queue for each topic, which feed the consumer iterators. We have a single fetcher thread per broker that issues multi-fetch requests for all topics. The fetcher thread iterates the fetched data and tries to put the data for different topics into its own in-memory queue. If one of the consumer is slow, eventually its corresponding in-memory queue will be full. As a result, the fetcher thread will block on putting data into that queue. Until that queue has more space, no data will be put into the queue for other topics. Therefore, those other topics, even if they have less volume, their consumption will be delayed because of that. To address this issue, either making sure that all consumers can keep up, or using separate consumer connectors for different topics.

How to improve the throughput of a remote consumer?

If the consumer is in a different data center from the broker, you may need to tune the socket buffer size to amortize the long network latency. Specifically, you can increase socket.receive.buffer in the broker, and socket.buffersize and fetch.size in the consumer.


How many topics can I have?

Unlike many messaging systems Kafka topics are meant to scale up arbitrarily. Hence we encourage fewer small topics rather than many small topics. So for example if we were storing notifications for users we would encourage a design with a single notifications topic partitioned by user id rather than a separate topic per user.

The actual scalability is for the most part determined by the number of total partitions across all topics not the number of topics itself (see the question below for details).

How do I choose the number of partitions for a topic?

There isn't really a right answer, we expose this as an option because it is a tradeoff. The simple answer is that the partition count determines the maximum consumer parallelism and so you should set a partition count based on the maximum consumer parallelism you would expect to need (i.e. over-provision). Clusters with up to 10k total partitions are quite workable. Beyond that we don't aggressively test (it should work, but we can't guarantee it).

Here is a more complete list of tradeoffs to consider:

  • A partition is basically a directory of log files.
  • Each partition must fit entirely on one machine. So if you have only one partition in your topic you cannot scale your write rate or retention beyond the capability of a single machine. If you have 1000 partitions you could potentially use 1000 machines.
  • Each partition is totally ordered. If you want a total order over all writes you probably want to have just one partition.
  • Each partition is not consumed by more than one consumer thread/process in each consumer group. This allows to have each process consume in a single threaded fashion to guarantee ordering to the consumer within the partition (if we split up a partition of ordered messages and handed them out to multiple consumers even though the messages were stored in order they would be processed out of order at times).
  • Many partitions can be consumed by a single process, though. So you can have 1000 partitions all consumed by a single process.
  • Another way to say the above is that the partition count is a bound on the maximum consumer parallelism.
  • More partitions will mean more files and hence can lead to smaller writes if you don't have enough memory to properly buffer the writes and coalesce them into larger writes
  • Each partition corresponds to several znodes in zookeeper. Zookeeper keeps everything in memory so this can eventually get out of hand.
  • More partitions means longer leader fail-over time. Each partition can be handled quickly (milliseconds) but with thousands of partitions this can add up.
  • When we checkpoint the consumer position we store one offset per partition so the more partitions the more expensive the position checkpoint is.
  • It is possible to later expand the number of partitions BUT when we do so we do not attempt to reorganize the data in the topic. So if you are depending on key-based semantic partitioning in your processing you will have to manually copy data from the old low partition topic to a new higher partition topic if you later need to expand.

Note that I/O and file counts are really about #partitions/#brokers, so adding brokers will fix problems there; but zookeeper handles all partitions for the whole cluster so adding machines doesn't help.

Why do I see lots of Leader not local exceptions on the broker during controlled shutdown?

This happens when the producer clients are using num.acks=0. When the leadership for a partition is changed, the clients (producer and consumer) gets an error when they try to produce or consume from the old leader when they wait for a response. The client then refreshes the partition metadata from zookeeper and gets the new leader for the partition and retries. This does not work for the producer client when ack = 0. This is because the producer does not wait for a response and hence does not know about the leadership change. The client would end up loosing messages till the shutdown broker is brought back up. This issue is fixed in KAFKA-955

How to reduce churns in ISR?

ISR is a set of replicas that are fully sync-ed up with the leader. In other words, every replica in ISR has all messages that are committed. In an ideal system, ISR should always include all replicas unless there is a real failure. A replica will be dropped out of ISR if it diverges from the leader. This is controlled by two parameters: and replica.lag.max.messages. The former is typically set to a value that reliably detects the failure of a broker. We have a min fetch rate JMX in the broker. If that rate is n, set the former to a value larger than 1/n * 1000. The latter is typically set to the observed max lag (a JMX bean) in the follower. Note that if replica.lag.max.messages is too large, it can increase the time to commit a message. If latency becomes a problem, you can increase the number of partitions in a topic.Yang Weiying lotus canton de domicile dans le comté de Jianli , il est né en Juillet 1925, la famille a quatre frères , il est le patron. " La maison de trois ou quatre acres de terre, à proximité du lac , de sorte de lotus et du riz , du poisson pour vivre. " Bien que la famille était pauvre , mais parce qu'il est le fils aîné , Yang Weiying est envoyé à l'école pour étudier, apprendre à dos " Trois classique de caractère ", " quatre livres " a été admis à l' école secondaire . C'était vers 1939 . Yang Weiying apprentissage du chinois , echarpe burberry de l'histoire , la géographie , les mathématiques et les Trois Principes du Peuple . Mai 1944, l' Académie militaire de Whampoa inscription, Yang Weiying admis dans les écoles militaires . " Les conditions d'admission sont très strictes , doit être au moins de 18 ans , ne pas être inférieure à 1,7 mètres de hauteur , la vision est meilleure, de corriger les traits du visage . " ZHANG Yaolin et plus de 200 étudiants admis dans les écoles militaires . «Il ya trois questions d'examen , echarpe burberry pas cher les mathématiques sont des opérations arithmétiques ; . Géographie historique écriture dynasties Ming et Qing, le numéro national de provinces , les provinces court essai intitulé« candidats militaires que je vois " , à moins de 800 mots , je n'ai pas a été écrit à une heure, le contenu est le japonais envahissent ma maison , je veux entrer dans l'armée , se débarrasser de l'envahisseur japonais . Par la suite, j'ai entendu presque a sorti . ", a déclaré Yang Weiying . Removed