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If you are using the high level consumer, currently there is no api to reset the offsets in the consumer. The only way is to stop all consumers and reset the offsets for that consumer group in ZK manually. We do have an import/export offset tool that you can use (bin/ and bin/ To get the offsets for importing, we have a GetOffsetShell tool (bin/ that allows you to get the offsets before a give timestamp. The offsets returned there are the offsets corresponding to the first message of each log segment. So the granularity is very coarse.

I don't want my consumer's offsets to be committed automatically. Can I manually manage my consumer's offsets?

You can turn off the autocommit behavior (which is on by default) by setting auto.commit.enable=false in your consumer's config. There are a couple of caveats to keep in mind when doing this:

  • You will manually commit offsets using the consumer's commitOffsets API. Note that this will commit offsets for all partitions that the consumer currently owns. The consumer connector does not currently provide a more fine-grained commit API.
  • If a consumer rebalances for any reason it will fetch the last committed offsets for any partitions that it ends up owning. If you have not yet committed any offsets for these partitions, then it will use the latest or earliest offset depending on whether auto.offset.reset is set to largest or smallest (respectively).

So if you need more fine-grained control over offsets you will need to use the SimpleConsumer and manage offsets on your own. We hope to address this deficiency in the client rewrite: Added


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