Versions Compared


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  1. Download servicemix source distro distribution.
  2. Put in eclipse the Eclipse tags:
    maven -Dmaven.test.skip=true default eclipse
  3. In Eclipse:
    Browse for the root directory, which is :
    smx_install_dir the directory in which you downloaded ServiceMix.
  4. Select all the files in the Import pop-up window. They are probably already pre-selected for you (check box is checked).
  5. Click Finish.
  6. Windows>Preferences
    get a The Preferences window will pop-up.
  7. click Click on he the Java ( plus sign), then click on Build Path
    then select Classpath Variables. Do Window>Preferences
    click on the plus next to Java
    Then Build Path>Classpath
  8. Click on New button to right

A pop-up appears.
Enter for the Name: MAVEN_REPO
For Path look it Enter the Path, which is your mavent local maven repository, usually located in
your home directory .maven,
C:\Documents and Settings\Lisa Malgeri\.maven\repository


a. In the Package Explorer find the Main class, which should be located in: servicemix-core/src/main/java/
under org.apache.servicemix/
Double click on the main() class.

Right click base>src/main/java>org>servicemix>Main.javaFrom the Run menu select "Run..."

You will get a Run window pop-up
Select Java Application
Click on New button in botton left
Name the Project: whatever you called it above
Click on arguments button: enter path of servcimix.xml file you want, e.g.,
C:\Program Files\servicemix-1.0.1\examples\file-binding
