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  • there are no more messages available
    • The ConsumerOffsetChecker will show that the log offset of the partitions being consumed does not change on the broker
  • the next message available is larger than the maximum fetch size you have specified
    • One possibility of a stalled consumer is that the fetch size in the consumer is smaller than the largest message in the broker. You can use the DumpLogSegments tool to figure out the largest message size and set fetch.size in the consumer config accordingly.
  • your client code simply stops pulling messages from the iterator (the blocking queue will fill up).
    • One of the typical causes is that the application code that consumes messages somehow died and therefore killed the consumer thread. We recommend using a try/catch clause to log all Throwable in the consumer logic.
  • consumer rebalancing fails (you will see ConsumerRebalanceFailedException): This is due to conflicts when two consumers are trying to own the same topic partition. The log will show you what caused the conflict (search for "conflict in ").
    • If your consumer subscribes to many topics and your ZK server is busy, this could be caused by consumers not having enough time to see a consistent view of all consumers in the same group. If this is the case, try Increasing rebalance.max.retries and
    • Another reason could be that one of the consumers is hard killed. Other consumers during rebalancing won't realize that consumer is gone after time. In the case, make sure that rebalance.max.retries * >
Why messages are delayed in my consumer?
