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Table of Contents


The main goal of this project is to have a thin consumer client design that can be easily adopted/reimplemented in non-Java languages. To achieve this we have decided to:

  1. Move the group member management and offset management from the client side to the server side with a centralized coordination mechanism. By doing so we can completely remove ZK-dependency from the consumer clients. General design proposal can be found here, here and here.
  2. Make the consumer client single-threaded with non-blocking API. Some discussions about this can be found here.


Besides this main goal we also want to add some new feature supports that we have seen while operating 0.8 and older versions. An in-comprehensive list below:

  1. Manual partition assignment: instead of going through the centralized coordination process to get assigned consuming partitions, the consumers should be able to simply specify their target partitions and start consume right away without any group membership management.
  2. Manual offset management: instead of using Kafka commit() call to manage the consumed offsets, consumers should be able to store/load their offsets outside Kafka clients and simply specify the starting offsets when consuming.
  • Note that pre-0.9, we support both of these use cases by providing a simple consumer and a zookeeper consumer (i.e. high-level consumer) interface, and users need to choose all-or-none for the functionalities; in 0.9 we will combine these two into one interface with more flexibility.


The motivation of moving to a new set of consumer client APIs with broker side co-ordination is laid out here. Some back of the envelope calculations along with experience of building a prototype for this suggest that with a single coordinator we should support up to 5K consumers (the bottleneck should be the number of socket channels a single machine can have). Every broker will be the co-ordinator for a subset of consumer groups, thereby, providing the ability to scale the number of consumer groups linearly with the size of the cluster.

Consumer API

The proposed consumer APIs are here. Several API usage examples are documented here.
