Versions Compared


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Comment: edit datanucleus cache parameters, add versions for all metastore parameters


  • Default Value: true
  • Added In: Hive 0.8.1
  • Removed in: Hive 0.10 with HIVE-2585


  • Default Value: jdbc:derby:;databaseName=metastore_db;create=true
  • Added In: Hive 0.6.0

JDBC connect string for a JDBC metastore.


  • Default Value: org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver
  • Added In: Hive 0.8.1

Driver class name for a JDBC metastore.


  • Default Value: org.datanucleus.jdo.JDOPersistenceManagerFactory
  • Added In: Hive 0.8.1

Class implementing the JDO PersistenceManagerFactory.


  • Default Value: true
  • Added In: Hive 0.8.1

Detaches all objects from session so that they can be used after transaction is committed.


  • Default Value: true
  • Added In: Hive 0.8.1

Reads outside of transactions.


  • Default Value: APP
  • Added In: Hive 0.8.1

Username to use against metastore database.


  • Default Value: mine
  • Added In: Hive 0.3.0

Password to use against metastore database.


  • Default Value: true
  • Added In: Hive 0.8.0

Set this to true if multiple threads access metastore through JDO concurrently.


  • Default Value: DBCP in Hive 0.7 to 0.11; BoneCP in 0.12 and later 
  • Added In: Hive 0.7

Uses a BoneCP connection pool for JDBC metastore in release 0.12 and later (HIVE-4807), or a DBCP connection pool in releases 0.7 to 0.11.


  • Default Value: false
  • Added In: Hive 0.7

Validates existing schema against code. Turn this on if you want to verify existing schema


  • Default Value: false
  • Added In: Hive 0.7

Validates existing schema against code. Turn this on if you want to verify existing schema.


  • Default Value: false
  • Added In: Hive 0.7

Validates existing schema against code. Turn this on if you want to verify existing schema.


  • Default Value: rdbms
  • Added In: Hive 0.7

Metadata store type.

  • Default Value: true unless hive.metastore.schema.verification is true
  • Added In: Hive 0.7

Creates necessary schema on a startup if one doesn't exist. Set this to false, after creating it once.


  • Default Value: checked
  • Added In: Hive 0.7

Throw exception if metadata tables are incorrect.


  • Default Value: read-committed
  • Added In: Hive 0.7

Default transaction isolation level for identity generation.


  • Default Value: false
  • Added In: Hive 0.7

This parameter does nothing.
Warning note: For most installations, Hive should not enable the DataNucleus L2 cache, since this can causes cause correctness issues. Thus, some people set this parameter to false assuming that this disables the cache – unfortunately, it does not. To actually disable the cache, people should set "datanucleus.cache.level2.type" to  to "none".

  • Default Value: none in Hive 0.9 and later; SOFT in Hive 0.7 to 0.8.1
  • Added In: Hive 0.7

NONE =disables  disable the datanucleus l2 level 2 cache, SOFTSOFT =soft  soft reference based cache, WEAKWEAK =weak  weak reference based cache.
Warning note: For most hive Hive installations, enabling the datanucleus cache can lead to correctness issues, and is dangerous to turn on. This should be left  as "none".


  • Default Value: datanucleus
  • Added In: Hive 0.7

Name of the identifier factory to use when generating table/column names etc. 'datanucleus' is used for backward compatibility.


  • Default Value: LOG
  • Added In:: Hive 0.7

Defines what happens when plugin bundles are found and are duplicated: EXCEPTION, LOG, or NONE.


  • Default Value: /user/hive/warehouse
  • Added In: Hive 0.2

Location of default database for the warehouse.


  • Default Value: (empty)
  • Added In: Hive 0.8.0

List of comma-separated listeners for metastore events.


  • Default Value: (empty)
  • Added In: Hive 0.8.1

List of comma-separated keys occurring in table properties which will get inherited to newly created partitions. * implies all the keys will get inherited.


  • Default Value: (empty)
  • Added In: Hive 0.8.1

List of comma-separated listeners for the end of metastore functions.

  • Default Value: 0
  • Added In: Hive 0.8.0

Duration after which events expire from events table (in seconds).

  • Default Value: 0
  • Added In: Hive 0.8.0

Frequency at which timer task runs to purge expired events in
metastore(in seconds).

  • Default Value: 5
  • Added In: Hive 0.6.0

Number of retries while opening a connection to metastore.

  • Default Value: 1
  • Added In: Hive 0.7.0

Number of seconds for the client to wait between consecutive
connection attempts.


  • Default Value: 20
  • Added In: Hive 0.7.0

MetaStore Client socket timeout in seconds.


  • Default Value: org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.ObjectStore
  • Added In: Hive 0.8.1

Name of the class that implements org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.rawstore interface. This class is used to store and retrieval of raw metadata objects such as table, database.


  • Default Value: 300
  • Added In: Hive 0.8.0

Maximum number of objects (tables/partitions) can be retrieved from metastore in one batch. The higher the number, the less the number of round trips is needed to the Hive metastore server, but it may also cause higher memory requirement at the client side.


  • Default Value: (empty)
  • Added In: Hive 0.6.0

Name of the hook to use for retriving the JDO connection URL. If empty, the value in javax.jdo.option.ConnectionURL is used.

  • Default Value: 1
  • Added In: Hive 0.6.0

The number of times to retry a metastore call if there were a connection error.


  • Default Value: 1000
  • Added In: Hive 0.6.0

The number of milliseconds between metastore retry attempts


  • Default Value: 200
  • Added In: Hive 0.6.0

Minimum number of worker threads in the Thrift server's pool.


  • Default Value: 100000
  • Added In: Hive 0.6.0

Maximum number of worker threads in the Thrift server's pool.


  • Default Value: true
  • Added In: Hive 0.6.0

Whether to enable TCP keepalive for the metastore server. Keepalive will prevent accumulation of half-open connections.


  • Default Value: false
  • Added In: Hive 0.7.0

If true, the metastore thrift interface will be secured with SASL. Clients must authenticate with Kerberos.


  • Default Value: (empty)
  • Added In: Hive 0.7

The path to the Kerberos Keytab file containing the metastore thrift server's service principal.


  • Default Value: hive-metastore/_HOST@EXAMPLE.COM
  • Added In: Hive 0.7

The service principal for the metastore thrift server. The special string _HOST will be replaced automatically with the correct host name.


  • Default Value: Table,StorageDescriptor,SerDeInfo,Partition,Database,Type,FieldSchema,Order
  • Added In: Hive 0.7.0

List of comma-separated metastore object types that should be pinned in the cache.


  • Default Value: false
  • Added In: Hive 0.8.0

Should the metastore do authorization checks against the underlying storage for operations like drop-partition (disallow the drop-partition if the user in question doesn't have permissions to delete the corresponding directory on the storage).
