Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Comment: add note about USE <db> and db.table in Select Syntax (thanks go to André Araújo)


  • A SELECT statement can be part of a union query or a subquery of another query.
  • table_reference indicates the input to the query. It can be a regular table, a view, a join construct or a subquery.
  • Table names and column names are case insensitive.
    • In Hive 0.12 and earlier, only alphanumeric and underscore characters are allowed in table and column names.
    • In Hive 0.13 and later, column names can contain any Unicode character (see HIVE-6013). Any column name that is specified within backticks (`) is treated literally. Within a backtick string, use double backticks (``) to represent a backtick character.
    • To revert to pre-0.13.0 behavior and restrict column names to alphanumeric and underscore characters, set the configuration property to none. In this configuration, backticked names are interpreted as regular expressions. For details, see Supporting Quoted Identifiers in Column Names (attached to HIVE-6013). Also see REGEX Column Specification below.
  • Simple query. For example, the following query retrieves all columns and all rows from table t1.

    Code Block


  • languagesql


  • t1 
  • To specify a database, either qualify the table names with database names ("db_name.table_name" starting in Hive 0.7) or issue the USE statement before the query statement (starting in Hive 0.6).

    "db_name.table_name" allows a query to access tables in different databases.

    USE sets the database for all subsequent HiveQL statements. Reissue it with the keyword "default" to reset to the default database.

    Code Block
    USE database_name;
    SELECT query_specifications;
    USE default;

WHERE Clause

The WHERE condition is a boolean expression. For example, the following query returns only those sales records which have an amount greater than 10 from the US region. Hive supports a number of operators and UDFs in the WHERE clause:
