Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Creating Release Artifacts


Communicate with the community


  1.  Send an email to dev list to
    Notify that you are about to branch. Ask to hold off any commits until this is finished.
  2. Send another email after branching is done.

Preparing branches

  1. Create a release branch


        1. Clone fresh repository copy

          Code Block
          git clone 
          cd sentry


        1. Checkout master branch

          Code Block
          git checkout master


        1. Check that current HEAD points to commit on which you want to base new  release branch. Checkout particular commit if not.

          Code Block
          git log # Check current branch history. HEAD should point to commit


        1.  that you want to be base for your release branch
          git checkout abcdef123 # Check out particular commit that should be


        1.  base for release branch if -^


        1. Create new release branch with name "branch-$version"

          Code Block


        1. checkout -b branch-1.2.0


        1. Update CHANGELOG in the trunk to indicate the changes going into the new version.

          The change list can be swiped from the JIRA release note tool (use the "text" format for the change log). See JIRA Cleanup above to ensure that the release notes generated by this tool are what you are expecting.

        2. Remove -SNAPSHOT from the release branch and commit

          Code Block
          find . -name pom.xml | xargs sed -i "" -e "s/X.Y.0-SNAPSHOT/X.Y.0/"
          git add .
          git commit -m "SENTRY-XXXX: Removing -SNAPSHOT from X.Y release branch"
        3. Check your changes and push


        1. new branch to Apache repository

          Code Block
          mvn package -Pdownload-hadoop
          git push origin branch-1.2.0


        1. Check that branch was correctly propagated to Apache repository.

      7. Update version to your release version in all pom.xml files (.pom.xml, */pom.xml and *//pom.xml). You should be changing the version only in <parent> tag (with exception of root pom.xml file that obviously do not have a parent).

      8. Check your changes by running package build

      Code Block
      mvn package -Pdownload-hadoop

      9. Commit your changes and push them to Apache repository


      1. Prepare the trunk for next release (TODO: update change log?)

        Code Block
        git checkout master
        find . -name pom.xml | xargs sed -i "" -e "s/1.2.0-SNAPSHOT/1.3.0-SNAPSHOT/"
        git add .
        git commit -m "SENTRY-XXXX: Preparing for sentry 1.3.0 development"
        git push origin 


      1. master:master
      2. Send an email announcing new branch


        No Format


        Subject: New release branch 1.2.0


        I've just created new release branch for upcoming 1.2.0 incubating release.


        Please continue committing to master branch as usual.


        I'll cherry-pick commits to branch-1.2.0 on per needed basis.





      Create release tar balls

      Update change log file

      1. It's important to update changelog.txt file with all changes that went it to the release. JIRA generates list of all changes in particular release in "Release notes" section:

      • On main page click "versions" from left menu
      • Click on your version
      • There is link "Release notes" on top left corner of the context area.

      2. Update CHANGELOG.txt file in branches master and branch-<your-version>.

      3. It's important to keep this file up-to-date with each committed change after initial branch cut.

      Create release tarballs

      1. Check out release branch

      Code Block
      git clone 
      git checkout branch-1.2.0

      2. Create tag on this commit to identify precise point where the RC was generated and push this tag to main repository

      Code Block
      git tag -a release-1.2.0-rc0 -m "Sentry 1.2.0-rc0 incubating release"
      git push origin release-1.2.0-rc0 (TODO: use rc0 format or delete existing rc for new rcs?)

      3. Create temporary directory where you'll be preparing all required artifacts


      Code Block
      mvn clean verify package
      mv sentry-dist/target/apache-sentry-1.2.0-incubating-src.tar.gz /tmp/sentry-release-preparations

      Update KEYS file

      Sanity Check(TODO)

      Signatures and Checksums

      All artifacts must be signed and checksummed. In order to sign a release you will need a PGP key. You should get your key signed by a few other people. You will also need to recv their keys from a public key server. See the Apache release signing page for more details. If you add your PGP key fingerprint to your Apache profile, your key should automatically be added to

      Create signatures and check sums (TODO: Use maven gpg plugin?)

      1. Change your working directory to the temporal one


      6. Upload artifacts and all created check sums with signatures
      to your signatures to your own web-space on


      No Format
      Subject: [ANNOUNCE] Apache Sentry 1.2.0 incubating released
      The Apache Sentry team is happy to announce the release of version 1.2.0-incubating from the Apache Incubator.Apache Sentry is a system to enforce fine grained role based authorization to data and metadata stored on a Hadoop cluster.
      The release bits are available at:
      The change list is available at:
      We would like to thank all contributors who made the release possible.
      Apache Sentry is an effort undergoing incubation at The Apache Software Foundation (ASF), sponsored by the Apache Incubator PMC. Incubation is required of all newly accepted projects until a further review indicates that the infrastructure, communications, and decision making process have stabilized in a manner consistent with other successful ASF projects. While incubation status is not necessarily a reflection of the completeness or stability of the code, it does indicate that the project has yet to be fully endorsed by the ASF.
      Sentry team

      Update the website (TODO )