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ServiceMix can be used as a protocol bridge. The following tutorial will explain how to create a JBI Service Assembly (aka a JBI application) to bridge two different protocols. In this example, we will bridge the HTTP/SOAP with the JMS protocol using an InOnly MEP. We will also put between the two protocols an XSLT transformation.
We will leverage ServiceMix archetypes and maven plugin (see Maven JBI plugin).

Identifying the service units

Our JBI SA (Service Assembly) will be composed of the following SUs (Service Units):

  • an HTTP+SOAP consumer
  • a pipeline to call the XSLT transformer and the JMS provider
  • an XSLT transformer
  • a JMS provider

Directory layout

We aim to have the following project structure:

Code Block

Creating the archetypes

In the bridge directory, run the following commands (remove tailing backslashes and make each commando one line):

Code Block
mvn archetype:create \
        -DarchetypeGroupId=org.apache.servicemix.tooling \
        -DarchetypeArtifactId=servicemix-http-consumer-service-unit \
        -DarchetypeVersion=3.0-incubating \
        -DgroupId=org.apache.servicemix.samples.bridge \

mvn archetype:create \
        -DarchetypeGroupId=org.apache.servicemix.tooling \
        -DarchetypeArtifactId=servicemix-jms-provider-service-unit \
        -DarchetypeVersion=3.0-incubating \
        -DgroupId=org.apache.servicemix.samples.bridge \

mvn archetype:create \
        -DarchetypeGroupId=org.apache.servicemix.tooling \
        -DarchetypeArtifactId=servicemix-eip-service-unit \
        -DarchetypeVersion=3.0-incubating \
        -DgroupId=org.apache.servicemix.samples.bridge \

mvn archetype:create \
        -DarchetypeGroupId=org.apache.servicemix.tooling \
        -DarchetypeArtifactId=servicemix-lwcontainer-service-unit \
        -DarchetypeVersion=3.0-incubating \
        -DgroupId=org.apache.servicemix.samples.bridge \

mvn archetype:create \
        -DarchetypeGroupId=org.apache.servicemix.tooling \
        -DarchetypeArtifactId=servicemix-service-assembly \
        -DarchetypeVersion=3.0-incubating \
        -DgroupId=org.apache.servicemix.samples.bridge \

Main pom

Now that we have created the SUs and SA structure, let's write the main pom.xml (in the bridge directory):

Code Block

The content of <version> describes not the version of ServiceMix but the SA we create, thus you may change it to your desired version (e.g. 3.0-final). Then you have to change it below as well.

Configure the Service Assembly

We want the Service Assembly to include the 4 SUs that we just created.
So let's edit the main pom we just created and add the <dependencies> which is a child of <project>:

Code Block

Now, we should be able to launch maven and have a the SA generated in the bridge-sa/target/ directory. You can check that by running the following command from the bridge/ directory:

Code Block
mvn install

Of course, it won't work if you deploy it and we now need to fill the holes.


We need to define a simple HTTP consumer endpoint in the http SU. As we do not use the request / response pattern, we will use an InOnly mep.

Code Block
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<beans xmlns:http=""

  <http:endpoint service="b:http"
                 defaultMep="" />



The EIP SU contains the definition of the pipeline pattern, which can be used as a bridge between two InOnly MEPs and an InOut MEP. The XSLT transformer primary MEP is an InOut, as it will receive an incoming message, transform it, and send the answer back to the consumer. But in our case, the HTTP component and JMS component should send and receive an InOnly MEP, hence the need for the Pipeline.

Code Block
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<beans xmlns:eip=""

  <eip:pipeline service="b:pipeline" endpoint="endpoint">
      <eip:exchange-target service="b:xslt" />
      <eip:exchange-target service="b:jms" />



The XSLT transformation will be deployed on the servicemix-lwcontainer using the following servicemix.xml configuration file.

Code Block
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<beans xmlns:sm=""


  <sm:serviceunit id="jbi">
      <sm:activationSpec service="b:xslt" endpoint="endpoint">
          <bean class="org.apache.servicemix.components.xslt.XsltComponent">
            <property name="xsltResource" value="classpath:bridge.xslt" />


Note the <classpath/> tag which defines the SU root directory as a component of the classpath. This is used by the xslt component to find the stylesheet using the spring "classpath:" URL style.

We need to create the bridge.xslt stylesheet and put in in the src/main/resources directory of this SU, along the servicemix.xml configuration file.
Let's use an identity stylesheet:

Code Block
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="">
  <xsl:output method="xml" version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" indent="yes"/>
  <xsl:template match="node() | @*">
      <xsl:apply-templates select="node() | @*"/>


For the JMS provider, we will reuse the embedded ActiveMQ broker which is started with ServiceMix, and output the request in the bridge.output JMS queue.

Code Block
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<beans xmlns:jms=""

  <jms:endpoint service="b:jms"
                connectionFactory="#connectionFactory" />

  <bean id="connectionFactory" class="org.apache.activemq.ActiveMQConnectionFactory">
    <property name="brokerURL" value="vm://localhost" />


Building, Deploying and Testing

To build the SUs and SA, run the following command in the bridge root directory:

Code Block
mvn install

Then, deploy the SA and needed components to a started ServiceMix container:

Code Block
cd bridge-sa
mvn jbi:projectDeploy

Then you can send an HTML POST request to http://localhost:8192/bridge/ and use a jmx console to check that the bridge.output queue contains a jms message.

What's next

Of course, this example is not very useful as is, especially with an identity XSLT sheet. However, adding an xpath router as the target of the pipeline, could be useful to normalize different requests to the same format, because the XSD changed between versions of the service, or because different clients use different XSDs which can be services by the same service.