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Note on packaging: The APIs are defined in the Java package org.apache.hive.hcatalog.streaming and part of the hive-hcatalog-streaming Maven module in Hive.

Streaming Requirements: 

A few of things are required to use streaming.


Note: Streaming to unpartitioned tables is also supported.


Transaction and Connection Management


The class HiveEndPoint describes a Hive End Point to connect to. This describes the database, table and partition names. Invoking the newConnection method on it establishes a connection to the Hive MetaStore for streaming purposes. It returns a StreamingConnection object. Multiple connections can be established on the same endpoint. StreamingConnection can then be used to initiate new transactions for performing I/O.


See the Javadoc for HiveEndPoint for more information.  Generally a user will establish a connection to the end point with HiveEndPoint and then call newConnection to get a StreamingConnection.


The StreamingConnection class is used to acquire batches of transactions.  Once the connection has been provided by HiveEndPoint the application will generally enter a loop where it calls fetchTransactionBatch and writes a series of transactions.  When closing down, the application should call close.  See the Javadoc for more information.  


TransactionBatch is used to write a series of transactions.  For each transaction, the application calls beginNextTransactionwrite, and then commit or abort as appropriate. See the Javadoc for details.

I/O – Writing Data

These classes and interfaces provide support for writing the data to Hive within a transaction.


RecordWriter is the base interface implemented by all Writers. A Writer is responsible for taking a record in the form of a byte[] containing data in a known format (such as CSV) and writing it out in the format supported by Hive streaming. A RecordWriter may reorder or drop fields from the incoming record if necessary to map them to the corresponding columns in the Hive Table.  A streaming client will instantiate an appropriate RecordWriter type and pass it to TransactionBatch. The streaming client does not directly interact with RecordWriter therafter. The TransactionBatch will thereafter use and manage the RecordWriter instance to perform I/O.  See the Javadoc for details.


  1. Modify input record: This may involve dropping fields from input data if they don’t have corresponding table columns, adding nulls in case of missing fields for certain columns, and changing the order of incoming fields to match the order of fields in the table. This task requires understanding of incoming data format.
  2. Encode modified record: The encoding often involves serialization using an appropriate Hive SerDe. This task is agnostic of the incoming data format.


Class DelimitedInputWriter provides support for writing out input data that is in delimited formats (such as CSV).  Class DelimitedInputWriter only implements the input format specific task of modifying the input record.  See the Javadoc for details.


The input format agnostic task of encoding the modified record is delegated to its abstract base class AbstractLazySimpleRecordWriter. This class provides the bulk of the RecordWriter implementation. It internally uses a LazySimpleSerde to transform the incoming byte[] into an Object required by the underlying writer APIs.


Code Block
///// Stream five records in two transactions /////
// Assumed HIVE table Schema:
create table alerts ( id int , msg string )
     partitioned by (continent string, country string)
     clustered by (id) into 5 buckets
     stored as orc; // currently ORC is required for streaming
//-------   MAIN THREAD  ------- //
String dbName = "testing";
String tblName = "alerts";
ArrayList<String> partitionVals = new ArrayList<String>(2);
String serdeClass = "org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe";
HiveEndPoint hiveEP = new HiveEndPoint("thrift://", dbName, tblName, partitionVals);

.. spin up threads ..

//-------   Thread 1  -------//
StreamingConnection connection = hiveEP.newConnection(null, true);
DelimitedInputWriter writer =
                     new DelimitedInputWriter(fieldNames,",", endPt);
TransactionBatch txnBatch = connection.fetchTransactionBatch(10, writer);

///// Batch 1 - First TXN
txnBatch.write("1,Hello streaming".getBytes());
txnBatch.write("2,Welcome to streaming".getBytes());

if(txnBatch.remainingTransactions() > 0) {
///// Batch 1 - Second TXN
txnBatch.write("3,Roshan Naik".getBytes());
txnBatch.write("4,Alan Gates".getBytes());
txnBatch.write("5,Owen O’Malley".getBytes());


txnBatch = connection.fetchTransactionBatch(10, writer);

///// Batch 2 - First TXN
txnBatch.write("6,David Schorow".getBytes());
txnBatch.write("7,Sushant Sowmyan".getBytes());

if(txnBatch.remainingTransactions() > 0) {
///// Batch 2 - Second TXN
txnBatch.write("8,Ashutosh Chauhan".getBytes());
txnBatch.write("9,Thejas Nair" getBytes());



//-------   Thread 2  -------//

StreamingConnection connection2 = hiveEP.newConnection(null, true);
DelimitedInputWriter writer2 =
                     new DelimitedInputWriter(fieldNames,",", endPt);
TransactionBatch txnBatch2= connection.fetchTransactionBatch(10, writer2);

///// Batch 1 - First TXN
txnBatch2.write("21,Venkat Ranganathan".getBytes());
txnBatch2.write("22,Bowen Zhang".getBytes());

///// Batch 1 - Second TXN
txnBatch2.write("23,Venkatesh Seetaram".getBytes());
txnBatch2.write("24,Deepesh Khandelwal".getBytes());


txnBatch = connection.fetchTransactionBatch(10, writer);

///// Batch 2 - First TXN
txnBatch.write("26,David Schorow".getBytes());
txnBatch.write("27,Sushant Sowmyan".getBytes());

