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  1. Sometimes, user will want to close a producer wiithin within a bounded time to avoid blocking on producer.close() for too long.
  2. One specific use case of 1) is that in some scenarios, user will want to close the produce immediately and fail all the unsent messages in RecordAccumulator. Some examples are:
    1. In mirror maker, if a send failed, we don't want to continue sending messages in RecordAccumulator to avoid reordering.
    2. For people who are using deployment tools, a service is expected to stop in given time. In that case people might want to have a bounded time to shutdown producer.


  • The close(timeout) should work when called from a user caller thread or the internal sender thread.
  • In sender thread only close(-1, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) should be called because:
    • close() or close(0, TimeUnitMILLISECONDSTimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) should not be called because that will make producer block forever.
    • close(500, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) has the same effect as close(-1, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) only except it will block for 500 milliseconds.
  • Because it is possible the close(timeout) is called for multiple times, it has to be idempotent.
