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import kafka.server.KafkaConfig

 * Top level interface that all plugable authorizer must implement. Kafka server will read "authorizer.class" config
 * value at startup time, create an instance of the specified class and call initialize method.
 * authorizer.class must be a class that implements this interface.
 * If authorizer.class has no value specified no authorization will be performed.
 * From that point onwards, every client request will first be routed to authorize method and the request will only be
 * authorized if the method returns true.
trait Authorizer {
   * Guaranteed to be called before any authorize call is made.
  def initialize(kafkaConfig: KafkaConfig): Unit
   * @param session The session being authenticated.
   * @param operation Type of operation client is trying to perform on resource.
   * @param resource Resource the client is trying to access.
   * @return
  def authorize(session: Session, operation: Operation, resource: Resource): Boolean

   * add the acls to resource, this is an additive operation so existing acls will not be overwritten, instead these new
   * acls will be added to existing acls.
   * @param acls set of acls to add to existing acls
   * @param resource the resource to which these acls should be attached.
  def addAcls(acls: Set[Acl], resource: Resource): Unit

   * remove these acls from the resource.
   * @param acls set of acls to be removed.
   * @param resource resource from which the acls should be removed.
   * @return true if some acl got removed, false if no acl was removed.
  def removeAcls(acls: Set[Acl], resource: Resource): Boolean

   * remove a resource along with all of its acls from acl store.
   * @param resource
   * @return
  def removeAcls(resource: Resource): Boolean

   * get set of acls for this resource
   * @param resource
   * @return empty set if no acls are found, otherwise the acls for the resource.
  def getAcls(resource: Resource): Set[Acl]

   * get the acls for this principal.
   * @param principal
   * @return empty set if no acls exist for this principal, otherwise the acls for the principal.
  def getAcls(principal: KafkaPrincipal): Set[Acl]


This is session from and One added assumption is that on non-secure connections the session will have principal set to an object whose name() method will return "Dr. Who?".

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object RequestChannel extends Logging {
	case class Session(principal: Principal, host: String)


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 * @param principalType type of principal. (i.e. for default implementation we will support user and group but custom authorizer can add more types or chose to ignore this field.)
 * @param name name of the principal
case class KafkaPrincipal(principalType: String, name: String) extends Principal 



Code Block

 * Different operations a client may perform on kafka resources.
public enum Operation {

WRITETopics  Producer
CREATECluster  KIP-4
DELETE Cluster KIP-4
EDIT TopicsKIP-4
DESCRIBE Topics and Cluster







 Topics and Cluster 





Deny will take precedence over Allow in competing acls. i.e. if 2 Acls are defined, one that allows an operation from all hosts and one that denies the operation from host1, the operation from host1 will be denied. 

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public enum PermissionType {


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 * Exception thrown when a principal is not authorized to perform an operation.
 * @param message
class AuthorizationException(principal: String, operation: Operation, host: String, resource: String) extends RuntimeException {


  • Out of the box implementation of the Authorizer.
  • Self contained and no dependencies with any other vendor or providers.
  • Will contain a ACLCache that will cache the broker acls and topic specific acls.
  • When no Acl is attached to a resource , this implementation will always fail open(allow all requests) for backward compatibility. 
  • It will use zookeeper as the storage layer for acls. Acls will be stored in json format described below under /kafka-acls/<resource-name>.


Code Block

 * An instance of this class will represent an acl that can express following statement.
 * <pre>
 * Principal P has permissionType PT on Operations O1,O2 from hosts H1,H2.
 * </pre>
 * @param principal A value of *:* indicates all users.
 * @param permissionType
 * @param hosts A value of * indicates all hosts.
 * @param operations A value of ALL indicates all operations.
case class Acl(val principal: KafkaPrincipal,val permissionType: PermissionType,val hosts: Set[String],val operations: Set[Operation]) 

Example Acl Json

Code Block
{"version": 1, 
"acls": [
    "principal": "alice”,    
    "permissionType": "ALLOW",
    "operations": [
    "hosts": [
    "principal": "bob”,
    "permissionType": "ALLOW",
    "operations": [
    "hosts": [
    "principal": "bob”,
    "permissionType": "DENY",
    "operations": [
    "hosts": [

Changes to existing classes

  • KafkaServer will initialize the authorizer based on value of config. 
  • KafkaAPI will have an additional field authorizer, which will be passed by KafkaServer at the time of server initialization. KafkaAPI will call authorizer.authorize for all requests that needs to be authorized.
  • KafkaConfig will have 3 additional configurations. 
    • FQCN of the authroizer class to be used. Provided class must implement Authorizer interface.
    • kafka.superusers: list of users that will be given superuser access. These users will have access to everything. Users should set this to the user kafka broker processes are running as to avoid duplicate configuration for every single topic like ALLOW REPLICATION to BROKER_USER for TOPIC from ALL hosts.
  • I have considered zookeeper node ACLs as out of scope for this document, if we decide to make it part of this KIP we will have to change ZKUtils so it can set acls on all zkNodes. I already have an implementation for this (not tested yet (smile)) however we will have to wait for KIP-4 to be merged.

Data Flows

Authentication and session initialization details are out of scope of this document. We will assume that the authentication is done before any authorization happens and the session instance is properly initialized. As mentioned above, we assume that on secure connection session has principal set to authenticated user and on non secure connections it is set to a special principal such that it's name() function returns "Anonymous".

Initialize Authorizer

Since this is pluggable architecture, users can easily replace the default provider implementation by writing their own custom provider and providing that class's FQCN as the value of config On kafka server side on server initialization KafkaServer will read the value of, create an instance of the class name specified and call it's init method with KafkaConfig parameter. This instance will be passed as a constructor argument to KafkaAPI. 

If the value of is null, in secure mode the cluster will fail with ConfigException. In non secure mode in absence of config value for the server will allow all requests to all topics , even if the topic has configured acls. This is done purely for backwards compatibility and it will be a security hole. To avoid this we can always default to SimpleAclAuthorizer which will allow only access to topics that has acl configured to allow access for Anonymous users.

Acl Management

We can either modify the existing topics CLI or create a new CLI tool just for acl management. --grantprincipal user:user1,group:kafka --granthost h1,h2 --revokeprincipal user:user1,group:kafka --revokehost h3,h4 --action a1,a2. 

Kafka API Authorization

For each API that needs authorization KafkaApi class will first hand off the request to authorizer's authorize method with the session,operation and resource param. If the function returns false , KafkaApi will throw an AuthorizationException. Following pseudocode describes at a high level what the implementation will look like: 

Code Block
authorize(session, operation, resource) { 
principal = session.principal  
remoteAddress =   
if(principal is one of the superuser) {   
	return true 
acls = getAcl(resource) //will have a cache. 
if(acls.isEmpty || acls.contains(allowAccessToEveryoneAcl)) return true   
if any deny acl's are configured for this principal/host/operation combination, deny the access. 
otherwise check if any acl exist that explicitly allows operation for this principal/host/operation and return true.

no explicit allow acls were found so deny the access. 



Open Questions


What should be the default behavior for scenarios like "no configured acls" or "no authorizer configured even if user is using secure channels". Generally in secure setups the de-facto behavior is to fail close but for backward compatibility we may want to stick to fail open behavior. 
