Versions Compared


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  • The granularity of aggregate data can be controlled by setting wake up interval for each of the aggregator threads.
  •  Presently we support 2 types of aggregators, HOST and APPLICATION with 3 time dimensions, per minute, per hour and per day.
    •  The HOST aggregates are just aggregates on precision data across the supported time dimensions. 
    • The APP aggregates are across appId. Note: We ignore instanceId or for APP level aggregates. Same time dimensions apply for APP level aggregates.
    • We also support HOST level metrics for APP, meaning you can expect a system metric example: "cpu_user" to be aggregated across datanodes, effectively calculating system metric for hosted apps.
  • Each aggregator performs checkpointing by storing last successful time of completion in a file. If the checkpoint is too old, the aggregators will discard checkpoint and aggregate data for the configured interval, meaning data in between (now - interval) time.
  • Refer to Phoenix table schema for details of tables and records.