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SYNC_INTERVAL = 5                                                                ## defaults to 5 if SYNC_SOURCE is unix and to 360 if SYNC_SOURCE is ldap
SYNC_LDAP_URL = ldap://<your_ldap_url>:389
SYNC_LDAP_BIND_DN = CN=itsme,ou=LACL,ou=utilisateurs,dc=orga,dc=blabla,dc=org ## the user who will retrieve data from the LDAP. Must exist ?If you're using anonymous bind, you must set a value but it will be ignored by the LDAP
SYNC_LDAP_BIND_PASSWORD = ## do not put anything here if you want your bind to be anonymous
SYNC_LDAP_SEARCH_BASE = dc=orga,dc=blabla,dc=org ## root from where the users and group will be retrieved
SYNC_LDAP_USER_SEARCH_BASE = ou=LACL,ou=utilisateurs,dc=orga,dc=blabla,dc=org   ## root from where the users will be retrieved
SYNC_LDAP_USER_OBJECT_CLASS = organizationalPerson ## type of entity that caracterises a person in the LDAP
SYNC_LDAP_USER_SEARCH_FILTER = (memberOf=CN=usr_outil_prd,OU=Outils,OU=Groupes,DC=blabla,DC=org) ## subfilter for the users to be retrieved
SYNC_LDAP_USER_NAME_ATTRIBUTE = name ## attribute that will be pulled as username
SYNC_LDAP_USER_GROUP_NAME_ATTRIBUTE = postOfficeBox ## attribute(s) that will be used to create and sync the groups
