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Code Block

 * The registry for the Tuscany core extension points. As the point of contact 
 * for all extension artifacts this registry allows loaded extensions to find 
 * all other parts of the system and register themselves appropriately.
 * @version $Rev: 529327539355 $ $Date: 2007-0405-1618 1003:1005:4314 -0700 (MonFri, 1618 AprMay 2007) $
public interface ExtensionPointRegistry {
     * Add an extension point to the registry
     * @param <T>
     * @param extensionPointType The interface of the extension point
     * @param extensionPoint The instance of the extension point
    <T> void addExtensionPoint(Class<T>Object extensionPointType, T extensionPoint);
     * Get the extension point by the interface
     * @param <T>
extensionPointType The lookup key (extension * @param extensionPointTypepoint interface)
     * @return The instance of the extension point
    <T> T getExtensionPoint(Class<T> extensionPointType);
     * Remove an extension point
     * @param extensionPoint The extension point to remove
    void removeExtensionPoint(ClassObject extensionPoint);

The ModuleActivator
