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Setting up for Maven Development


  • maven (mvn) is on your execution path
  • Ensure that you have network connectivity (


  • Maven has the capacity to retrieve dependencies from the internet while executing a build instruction


  • )
  • In a shell or command prompt ensure that you are in the


  • <sdo-source-root>spec/sdo-api directory
  • Issue the command "mvn", this will build the SDO API interface source code, run any tests, package the class files in a jar and install the jar in a repository on your computer where it will be available for other maven projects which depend on it
  • Change directory to <sdo-source-root>/sdo
  • execute the "mvn" command, this will build and test the SDO implementation, Tools and Plugin projects, and will install artefacts into you local maven repository
  • You can now use the tools of your choice to explore, use and modify the SDO source code. If you have extracted your source tree using SVN you will be able to submit patches arising from your modifications to the SDO project by attaching patch files to JIRAs.

Setting up for Eclipse Development

Follow the instructions above for setting up a maven development environment
Having ensured you have network access to the internet, in each of the following directories

  1. spec/sdo-api
  2. sdo/impl
  3. sdo/tools
    (Note: experienced eclipse users may want to select just a subset of these projects)

execute the command mvn -Peclipse eclipse:eclipse

  • Start up eclipse
  • Switch to the Java perspective
  • Execute "File => Import ... => General => Existing project into workspace
  • Click "Browse ..." Navigate to the spec/sdo-api directory and click OK
  • Select the sdo-api project and click OK
  • After Eclipse has built the project you will see that there are compile errors. This is because Maven has created build dependencies for the project on the contents of your maven repository, but Eclipse doesn't yet know where that repository is. You must create and assign a value to the M2_REPO variable within eclipse to resolve these dependencies
    • Right click on the newly created project