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Driving requirements: a) improve debugging by introducing full-qualified class name categories, mapped diagnostic contexts, markers, filters, flow tracing, static loggers and other features missing in GemFire logging, b) improve integration with customer applications and deployment environments such as Tomcat/tcServer, c) provide industry standard logging API as requested by many customers and field engineers, d) improve code maintenance by replacing deficient proprietary logging with free, open-source, modern logging library, e) select the best performing library that meets the requirements.

Note that Log4J2 was chosen for the logging backend instead of LogBack because Log4J2 processes disabled DEBUG statements faster at INFO level than LogBack does. When comparing logging throughput at DEBUG level, LogBack was slightly faster, but when comparing overall impact to application performance Log4J2 was faster. In other words, GemFire using Log4J2 out-performed GemFire using LogBack at INFO level or above. Since INFO level or above is expected for production systems, Log4J2 was chosen over SLF4J and LogBack. GemFire code base will use Log4J2 API while the custom logging appenders for LogWriter-style rolling and Alerts will use Log4J2 Core.

2 Bugs and Feature Requests 


6.6 By default the new Log4J 2 logging will be enabled for logging to stdout. The standard way of configuring Log4J 2 is with a log4j2.xml and we won’t change that. GemFire will include a copy of its default log4j2.xml configuration of Log4J 2 in GEMFIRE/defaultConfigs with a PatternLayout that makes the log message format the same as what LogWriter produces. The com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.logging.log4j package will include a copy of that same log4j2.xml as a resource to use if no other configuration is available. If user has already configured Log4J 2 then the user’s configuration will be used. If it has not been configured then the search order of precedence will be a) specified by user with the standard Log4J 2 system property, b) current working directory of the GemFire process, c) GEMFIRE/defaultConfigs (KIRK: delete this from search path but leave it there as an example), d) com.gemstone.gemfire.logging.internal.log4j.log4j2-default.xml resource inside the gemfire.jar.
