Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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  • Formatting was changed.


Code Block
POST /api/v1/clusters/myExistingCluster/hosts
[ Request Body is above Multiple Host Add Host Template ]

202 - Accepted
  "href" : "",
  "Requests" : {
    "id" : 1,
    "status" : "Pending"



Blueprint Example : Provisioning Multi-Node HDP 2.3 Cluster to use KERBEROS

The blueprint below could be used to setup a cluster containing three host groups with KERBEROS security. Overriding default kerberos descriptor is not necessary however specifying a few Kerberos specific properties in kerberos-env and krb5-conf is a must to setup services to use Kerberos. 

Code Block
  "configurations" : [
      "kerberos-env": {
        "properties_attributes" : { },
        "properties" : {
          "realm" : "AMBARI.APACHE.ORG",
          "kdc_type" : "mit-kdc",
          "kdc_host" : "(kerberos_server_name)",
          "admin_server_host" : "(kerberos_server_name)",
          "encryption_types": "aes des3-cbc-sha1 rc4 des-cbc-md5",
          "ldap_url" : "",
          "container_dn" : ""
      "krb5-conf": {
        "properties_attributes" : { },
        "properties" : {
          "domains" : "AMBARI.APACHE.ORG",
          "manage_krb5_conf" : "true"
  "host_groups" : [
      "name" : "host_group_1",
      "configurations" : [ ],
      "components" : [
          "name" : "ZOOKEEPER_CLIENT"
          "name" : "ZOOKEEPER_SERVER"
          "name" : "NAMENODE"
          "name" : "HDFS_CLIENT"
          "name" : "DATANODE"
      "cardinality" : "1"
      "name" : "host_group_2",
      "configurations" : [ ],
      "components" : [
          "name" : "ZOOKEEPER_SERVER"
          "name" : "KERBEROS_CLIENT"
          "name" : "SECONDARY_NAMENODE"
          "name" : "DATANODE"
      "cardinality" : "1"
      "name" : "host_group_3",
      "configurations" : [ ],
      "components" : [
          "name" : "ZOOKEEPER_CLIENT"
          "name" : "ZOOKEEPER_SERVER"
          "name" : "KERBEROS_CLIENT"
          "name" : "HDFS_CLIENT"
          "name" : "DATANODE"
      "cardinality" : "1"
  "Blueprints" : {
    "stack_name" : "HDP",
    "stack_version" : "2.3",
    "security" : {
         "type" : "KERBEROS"

The Cluster Creation Template below could be used to setup a cluster containing hosts with KERBEROS security using the Blueprint from above. Overriding default kerberos descriptor is not necessary however specifying kdc.admin credentials is a must. 

Code Block
    "blueprint": "kerberosBlueprint",
    "default_password": "admin",
    "host_groups": [
          "hosts": [
              { "fqdn": "ambari-agent-1" }
          "name": "host_group_1",
          "configurations" : [ ]
          "hosts": [
              { "fqdn": "ambari-agent-2" }
          "name": "host_group_2",
          "configurations" : [ ]
          "hosts": [
              { "fqdn": "ambari-agent-3" }
          "name": "host_group_3",
          "configurations" : [ ]
    "credentials" : [
       "alias" : "kdc.admin.credential",
       "principal" : "admin/admin",
       "key" : "admin",
       "type" : "TEMPORARY"
    "security" : {
        "type" : "KERBEROS"
   "Clusters" : {"cluster_name":"kerberosCluster"}

Blueprint Support for High Availability Clusters

Support for deploying HA clusters for HDFS, Yarn, and HBase has been added in Ambari 2.0.  Please see the following link for more information:
