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This API capability is available as of Ambari 1.6.0.

Table of Contents




Starting in Ambari version 2.12.30, it is possible to specify configuration recommendation strategy in the cluster creation template.

Code Block
  "blueprint" : "blueprint-name",
  "config_recommendation_strategy" : "ONLY_STACK_DEFAULTS_APPLY",



Starting in Ambari version 2.2.1, it is possible to specify the host rack info in the cluster creation template (AMBARI-14600).

Code Block
"hosts" : [         
          "fqdn" : "amb2.service.consul",
          "rack_info": "/dc1/rack1"

Cluster Creation Template Structure: Host Mappings and Configuration Field Descriptions

  • blueprint : Name of the blueprint that defines the cluster to be deployed.  Blueprint must already exist.  Required field.
  • default_password : Optional field which specifies a default password for all required passwords which are not specified in the blueprint or cluster creation template configurations.
  • configurations : A list of configuration maps keyed by configuration type. An example of a configuration type is "core-site".  When specified at the top level, configurations are applied at cluster scope and override default values for the cluster.  When specified within a "host_groups" element, configurations are applied at the host level for all hosts mapped to the host group.  Host scoped configurations override cluster scoped configuration for all hosts mapped to the host group.  All cluster scoped and host group scoped configurations specified here override configurations specified in the corresponding blueprint.  The configurations element is optional at both levels. 
  • config_recommendation_strategy : Optional field which specifies strategy for how configuration recommendations may be applied to a cluster’s configuration. Recommended configurations gathered by the response of the stack advisor. Available from Ambari 2.12.30
    • NEVER_APPLY :  Configuration recommendations are ignored with this option. (This is the default)
    • ONLY_STACK_DEFAULTS_APPLY : Applies only on the default configurations for all included services.
    • ALWAYS_APPLY : Applies on all configuration properties.
  • host_groups : A list of host groups being deployed to the cluster.  At least one host group must be specified.
    • name : Required field which must correspond to a name of a host group in the associated blueprint.
    • hosts : List of host mapping information
      • fqdn : Fully qualified domain name for each host that is being mapped to the host group.  At least one host must be specified
    • host_count : The number of hosts that should be mapped to this host group. This can be specified instead of concrete host names.  If no host_predicate is specified, any host that isn't explicitly mapped to another host group is available to be mapped to this host group.  Available as of Ambari 2.1.0. 
    • host_predicate : Optional field which is used together with host_count to control which hosts are mapped to the host group.  This is useful in supporting host 'flavors' where different host groups require different host types.  The default predicate matches all hosts which aren't explicitly mapped to another host group.  The syntax of the predicate is the standard Ambari API query syntax applied against the "api/v1/hosts" endpoint.  Available as of Ambari 2.1.0.
  • credentials : Optional block to create credentials, kdc.admin.credential is required in case of setting up KERBEROS security. Store type could be PERSISTENT or TEMPORARY. Temporary admin credentials are valid 90 minutes or until server restart. 
  • security : Optional block to override security settings defined in Blueprint. Supported security types are NONE and KERBEROS. In case of KERBEROS, users have the option to embed a valid kerberos descriptor - to override default values defined for HDP stack - in field kerberos_descriptor or as an alternative they may reference a previously saved kerberos descriptor using kerberos_descriptor_reference field. Security settings defined here will override Blueprint settings, however overriding security type used in Blueprint to a less secure mode is not possible (ex. set security.type=NONE in cluster template having security.type=KERBEROS in Blueprint). In case of selecting KERBEROS as security_type it's mandatory to add kerberos-env and krb5-conf config types. (Checkout configurations section in Blueprint example with KERBEROS on this page)
    Automated Kerberization page describes structure of kerberos_descriptor.
