Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed. is a list of tools we have been told about that integrate with Kafka outside the main distribution. We haven't tried them all, so they may not work!

Clients, of course, are listed separately here.

Kafka Connect

Kafka has a built-in framework called Kafka Connect for writing sources and sinks that either continuously ingest data into Kafka or continuously ingest data in Kafka into external systems. The connectors themselves for different applications or data systems are federated and maintained separately from the main code base. You can find a list of them here.

Distributions & Packaging


  • Storm - A stream-processing framework.
  • Samza - A YARN-based stream processing framework.
  • Storm Spout - Consume messages from Kafka and emit as Storm tuples
  • Kafka-Storm - Kafka 0.8, Storm 0.9, Avro integration
  • SparkStreaming - Kafka reciever receiver supports Kafka 0.8 and above above
  • Flink - Apache Flink has an integration with Kafka
  • IBM Streams - A stream processing framework with Kafka source and sink to consume and produce Kafka messages 

Hadoop Integration

  • Kafka Connect sink - A sink for Kafka's connector framework.
  • Camus - LinkedIn's Kafka=>HDFS pipeline. This one is used for all data at LinkedIn, and works great.
  • Kafka Hadoop Loader A different take on Hadoop loading functionality from what is included in the main distribution.
  • Flume - Contains Kafka Source (consumer) and Sink (producer)
  • KaBoom - A high-performance HDFS data loader


  • ElasticSearchThis project, Kafka Standalone Consumer will read the messages from Kafka, processes and index them in ElasticSearch. There are also several Kafka Connect connectors for ElasticSeach.
  • Presto - The Presto Kafka connector allows you to query Kafka in SQL using Presto.
  • Hive - Hive SerDe that allows querying Kafka (Avro only for now) using Hive SQL


Packing and Deployment
