Versions Compared


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Current state["DISCUSSION"]. 

Discussion thread: here


Please keep the discussion on the mailing list rather than commenting on the wiki (wiki discussions get unwieldy fast).


class DelegationTokenResponse(owner:  KafkaPrincipal,  expiryTimeMillisexpiryTimeMillis: long, renewer: Set[KafkaPrincipal], maxLifeTime: long, tokenId: String, hmac: byte[])  

renewDelegationToken(request: RenewDelegationTokenRequest):  DelegationTokenResponseRenewTokenResponse

class RenewDelegationTokenRequest(hmac: byte[], expiryTimeMillis: long) 

expireToken(request: ExpireTokenRequest): ExpireTokenResponse

class ExpireTokenRequest(hmac: byte[], expireAt: long  = Systemtime.currentTimeMillis) 

describeToken(request: DescribeTokenRequest): DescribeTokenRespopnse

class DescribeTokenRequest(owner: Set[KafkaPrincipal] ) 

Protocol changes



Code Block
public class DelegationTokenClient  {

    public TokenDetails generateToken(List<String> renewers, long maxLifeTime);

    public boolean renewToken(bytes[] hmac,  long renewPeriod);

    public boolean expireToken(bytes[] hmac, long expireTimeStamp);

    public boolean invalidateToken(bytes[] hmac);
    public List<TokenDetails> describeTokens();

    public void close();


Command line tool

 We will provide a CLI commandline script to acquire delegation tokens, renew tokens and to , invalidate/expire and to describe tokens. 

bin/ --bootstrap-server broker1:9092 --create --renewer renewer1,renewer2 --max-life-time 1486750745585
bin/ --bootstrap-server broker1:9092 --renew --hmac hmacString --renew-time-period 50745585
bin/ --bootstrap-server broker1:9092 --expire --hmac hmacString --expiry-time-period 50745585
bin/ --bootstrap-server broker1:9092 --describe --owner owner1,owner2

Changes to Java Clients (producer/consumer)
