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James Bognar


James Bognar

Steve Blackmon


James Bognar

Steve Blackmon

QALead tester


  • Simplify how remoteable interface proxies are exposed in the server and used in the clients.
  • Allow interface proxies to be defined against 3rd-party REST interfaces.
  • Allow interface proxies to pass Java method parameters as GET parameters.

New annotations:

  • @Remotable
    Annotation applied to interface proxy classes. 
  • path(String), optional 
    The absolute or relative path to the REST service.
    When relative path is specified, it's relative to the root-url defined on the RestClient.
     When no path is specified, it's assumed to be the class name ("")

  • expose(String), optional
    Defines the methods on the interface that are visible.
    Possible values:
    • "ALL" (default) - All methods defined on the interface are visible.
    • "REMOTEABLEREMOTE" - Only methods marked with the @RemoteableMethod the @RemoteMethod annotation are visible.

  • @RemoteMethod@RemoteableMethod
    Annotation applied to Java methods on interface proxy classes. 

    • path(String), optional
      The path to the REST service for this Java method.
      The default value is the Java method name itselfsignature (e.g. "myMethod(int,boolean,java.lang.String)").

    • httpMethod(String), optional
      Defines whether to use GET or POST for the method call.
      Possible values:
      • "POST" (default) - Parameters are serialized using the serializer registered with the RestClient.
      • "GET" - Parameters are serialized using the UrlEncodingSerializer registered with the RestClient.

  • @Query("name")
    Annotation applied to Java method arguments to denote that they are QUERY parameters on the request.
  • @FormData("name")
    Annotation applied to Java method arguments to denote that they are FORM post parameters on the request.

  • @Body
    Annotation applied to Java method arguments to denote that they are the HTTP body of the request. 

  • @Header("name")
    Annotation applied to Java method arguments to denote that they are serialized as an HTTP header value. 


// *** Server side ***
public interface MyRemoteableInterface {

@RemoteableMethod@RemoteMethod(httpMethod="GET", path="/method1")
public Foo callMyMethod(@Param@Query("barcount") int bar int count, @Param @Header("bazE-Tag") String baz, @Param("qux") Bean qux)String eTag, @Body Bean myBean);

// *** Client side ***
RestClient client = RestClientBuilder().rootUrl("http://hostname").build();
MyRemoteableInterface i = client.getRemoteableProxy(MyRemoteInterface.class);
Foo f = i.callMyMethod(123,"foo",new Bean()); 

The code above causes the following HTTP request:

HTTP GET http://hostname/myremoteableinterface/method1?bar=123&baz=foo&qux=(...) 



Other changes:

  • Move @Remoteable annotation to a new package:  org.apache.juneau.remoteable.
    All new annotations shown above would be grouped in this package.