Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Code Block
egrep 'TestCliDriver' /tmp/failed-TestCliDriver-file-tests | perl -pe 's@.*testCliDriver_@@g' | awk '{print $1 ".q"}' | xargs -n 30 | perl -pe 's@ @,@g' | xargs -I{} mvn test -Dtest=TestCliDriver -Dtest.output.overwrite=true -Dqfile={}

To do the same from the output of a pre-commit result, with multiple drivers, you can do

Code Block
import re
from itertools import groupby
s = """
org.apache.hadoop.hive.cli.TestBeeLineDriver.testCliDriver[drop_with_concurrency] (batchId=231)
org.apache.hadoop.hive.cli.TestCliDriver.testCliDriver[comments] (batchId=35)
org.apache.hadoop.hive.cli.TestMiniLlapLocalCliDriver.testCliDriver[vector_if_expr] (batchId=141)
PAT = re.compile("org.apache.hadoop.hive.cli.([^\.]*).*\[([^\]]*).*")
l = [PAT.match(x.strip()) for x in s.split("\n") if x.strip()]
for driver,q in groupby(sorted([a.groups() for a in l if a]), key=lambda a:a[0]):
	print """mvn clean test -Dtest=%s '-Dqfile=%s' -Dtest.output.overwrite=true""" % (driver, ",".join(["%s.q" % a[1] for a in q]))


Where is the log output of a test?
