Versions Compared


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  • Core Framework 
    • Now supports running multiple versions of the same components.  Makes upgrades and multi-tenant flows easier to manage as sets the stage for upcoming Apache NiFi Registry work!
    • New provenance repository implementation available called 'WriteAheadProvenanceRepository'.  Huge performance increase over the standard implementation and indexes in real-time.
  • New or Improved Processors, Controller Services, and Reporting Tasks
    • Introduced a record abstraction with controller services New Record oriented abstraction for reading and writing records /writing schema aware event streams from CSV, JSON, AvroAVRO, Grok, and Grok Added a new QueryRecord processor that allows SQL queries to be run over the contents of a FlowFile plaintext with easy extension for other formats/schemasAdded new controller services for managing data schemas (AvroSchemaRegistry, HortonworksSchemaRegistry)
      • QueryRecord processor to execute SQL queries over a stream of records powered by Apache Calcite
    • Added a new ConvertRecord processor that is capable of converting data between different data formats, using the above-mentioned controller services
    • Added a new SplitRecord processor that is capable of splitting a large stream of record-oriented data into single records or smaller batches
    • Added new processors for publishing record-oriented data to Kafka and consuming record-oriented data from Kafka (PublishKafkaRecord_0_10 and ConsumeKafkaRecord_0_10)
      • ConvertRecord processor to efficiently transform records from a given schema and format into another schema and format
      • SplitRecord processor to efficiently split huge record bundles into configurable batch sizes for divide and conquer or protect downstream systems
      • Processors to efficiently stream Records into and out of Apache Kafka in a format and schema aware manner and which automatically handle achieving high throughput and full provenance
      • Controller Services for plugging into and managing data schemas (Avro Schema Registry, Hortonworks Schema Registry) that integrate nicely into the record readers and writers

    • Features/improvements related to Change Data Capture (CDC), including CaptureChangeMySQL which reads from the MySQL binlogs, EnforceOrder, and PutDatabaseRecord processors, as well as a "Rollback on Failure" capability of some Put processors
    • Added New processors and controller service to support a Wait/Notify processors for performing coordination of processing flow files when a certain number of actions of have occurred 
    • Improved handling of back-pressure scenarios for ConsumeKafka and ConsumeKafka_0_10
    • Improved ConsumeKakfa_0_10 and PublishKafka_0_10 to support dynamic JAAS configuration
    • pattern enabling conditions in another portion of a flow to signal another portion to continue or execute.
    • For those that like to write new capabilities on the fly using scripting languages you can build your own reporting tasks, record readers, and writers using various scripting langauges now and the ExecuteScript processor lets you write in Clojure now too
    • The JSON Jolt Transform processor now allows Jolt transforms to include NiFi expression language statements and is much faster
    • New processors to compute and compare content using Fuzzy Hashing powerful for cyber security and other cases
    • New processors to interact with Added Google Cloud Platform/Google Cloud Storage processorsAdded and Azure Blob Storage and Azure Table Storage processors
    • Added ExtractCCDAAttributes processor to extract information from a Consolidated CDA formatted flow file
    • New reporting tasks available to push flow status and bulletins out via SiteToSite protocol
    • There are a 219 processors, 28 controller services, and 10 reporting tasks now available out the box.  Check them out!
  • Core UI

    • Circular references have been removed and the code modularized.

    • Reduced download size by removing bundled dependencies.

  • User Experience Improvements

    • Ever wish that it was easier to align components on the canvas? Me too...and now you can!

    • We now provide deep links to any component(s) on the canvas. This will help make collaborating and sharing more natural.

    • Users will enjoy a better understanding of the scope of Controller Services through an improved experience

    • All actions available on the operate palette are now also available under the context menu too!

  • Security
    • Users/client connecting to NiFi through the UI or API now protected with TLS v1.2 due to upgrade to Jetty version 9.4.3.
