Versions Compared


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Comment: added horizontal rules to visually separate operation types


Error CodeError DefinitionError Description
1000UNCLASSIFIED_FAILUREThis error will be thrown as a last resort if an exception cannot be classified. This error will then have to be investigated and correctly classified
1100VALUE_ENCODING_ERRORThere was an error whilst encoding a data entry (key / value)
1102UNSUPPORTED_OPERATIONThe request isn't a valid server operation
1201AUTHORIZATION_FAILEDThe client doesn't have sufficient access rights to perform this operation
1300LOW_MEMORYServer does not have enough free memory to complete the operation





Gets the value associated with a particular key in a particular region.


Error CodeError DefinitionError Description
2100REGION_NOT_FOUNDNo Region exists for the name provided
2000CONSTRAINT_VIOLATIONThe key-constraint on the region has been violated and incompatible





 Adds a (key, value) pair to a region, replacing any existing entry for the key.


Error CodeError DefinitionError Description
2100REGION_NOT_FOUNDNo region with the provided regionName exists.