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Announce the availability of the new release.

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[ANNOUNCEMENT] Apache Juneau 7.x.x Released

Hello all,

The Apache Juneau team is proud to announce the release of Juneau 7.x.x.

Apache Juneau is...

  • A toolkit for marshalling POJOs to a variety of content types using a common framework.
  • A REST server API for creating Swagger-based self-documenting REST interfaces using POJOs.
  • A REST client API for interacting with REST interfaces using POJOs.
  • A remote proxy API built on top of REST.
  • A sophisticated INI config file API.
  • A REST microservice API that combines all the features above for creating lightweight standalone REST interfaces that start up in milliseconds.

<A description of latest updates>

The release is available here (don't forget to verify the signatures):

Release notes can be found here:

We welcome your help and feedback. For more information on the project and how to get involved, visit the project website at

Send this mail from your account.  Please spell check the document!

Wait to send the release announcement until you have verified that

  1. The release artifacts are available on the mirrors.
  2. The component website including the updated download page has been updated on the public site
  3. If the component publishes maven artifacts, these artifacts have been replicated to the central maven repo at
    (Clear your local repo of the release artifacts and either activate the clirr report with the updated version info or update a local project with a dependency to the new release version to get maven to try to download the release artifacts. Or just access repo using a web browser.)