Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Keystore will be updated by reconfiguring the channel builder to create a new SslFactory. Existing connections will not be affected, new connections will use the new keystore.


  • Thread pools that don’t require thread affinity will be updated to use resizable thread pools:
    • background.threads
  • To increase threads, existing connections will continue to be processed in their processor threads and new connections will be processed on new threads. Allocation of processors for new connections will be take connection count into account (instead of the current round-robin allocation) to ensure that connections are balanced across processors. When thread count is decreased, threads with the smallest number of active connections will be terminated after closing any connections being processed on those threads. New connections will be processed on remaining threads.
  • num.replica.fetchers: Affinity of partitions to threads will be preserved for ordering.


Use case: Add new metrics reporter or reconfigure existing metrics reporter

Config scope: Default for whole cluster (/configs/brokers/<default>)


  • These properties will be supported as dynamic defaults that are used by all brokers since we don’t want to have different default values on different brokers. Configuration precedence for these properties will be:
    • Dynamic topic level (/configs/topics/topicName)
    • Dynamic broker level (/configs/brokers/id)
    • Dynamic default for all brokers in cluster (/configs/brokers/<default>)
    • Static


  • SSL configs will be updated by reconfiguring ChannelBuilder and creating a new SslFactory. Even though we can allow changes to any properties, if If SSL is used for inter-broker communication, inconsistent changes (e.g changing CA) will have to should be made by adding a new listener with the new properties. This is true for SASL as well.
  • SASL configuration updates will be supported using the dynamic JAAS configuration option sasl.jaas.config
  • Updates to advertised.listeners will re-register the new listener in ZK. This update will be not allowed for the listener used in inter-broker communication. In addition to this, AdminClient will not allow updates to the listener that was used to make the alter request.


  • Broker configuration using a properties object or the properties file will continue to be supported. So users who do not configure dynamic broker options will not be impacted.
