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Feb 5, 20072008

The Apache Wicket team is proud to announce the availability of the first maintenance release: Apache Wicket 1.3.1. A lot of bugs have been squashed and several improvements implemented. The most notable improvement is the addition of out-of-the-box, transparent clustering support (WICKET-1272).


  • last JDK-1.4 release (next release will be Java 5 based)
  • first Apache release: renamed packages to org.apache.wicket
  • simplified models API
  • simplified converter API
  • simplified validator API
  • now works with zero-config behind a proxy server using relative URLs
  • added Google Guice support
  • use your Wicket pages directly in a portal without changing a line of code (JSR-168/JSR-286 support)
  • switched logging API from commons-logging to slf4j
  • use velocity templates as panels in your pages with wicket-velocity
  • YUI-calendar and Joda time based date picker (wicket-datetime)
  • improved Ajax support
  • improved, more robust header contributions
  • filters duplicate javascript references
  • supports onload/ondomready events
  • javascript resources are gzipped by default
  • stateless pages and components for those parts of your application that needs to scale to extremely large numbers of users
  • improved AjaxTree/AjaxTreeTable
  • hybrid URL encoding makes search engines and your users happy
  • nested form components?create components—create panels that contain forms and use them anywhere without worrying about the nesting of form tags
  • minimized session use by storing component hierarchy in file system (DiskPageStore)
